Politics of the Imagination: The Life, Work And Ideas Of Charles Fort: Book by Colin Bennett. The "foe of science" is how the New York Times described Fort in its obituary.
Born in Albany, New York, in 1874, Charles Fort spent almost his entire life searching through periodicals in the New York Public Library and the British Museum, compiling evidence to show that science was a mere façade which concealed as much as it claimed to have discovered. In a series of four books — The Book of the Damned, New Lands, Lo! and Wild Talents — he argued that explanations are far more fantastic than the things they are supposed to explain, and that we only use them to get some sleep at night. Science, believed Fort, was a new form of social control whose object was to conceal the fantastical nature of the universe by means of editing out paradoxes, contradictions, miracles, paranormal events — anything that was unusual or which did not fit into a set scheme of things. Link
monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993. [more]