Camouflage Comics:

On Thursday 19 May 2005, the website Camouflage Comics was officially launched at the ABK, the Academy of Fine Arts (Maastricht, the Netherlands). The web project was made at the Jan van Eyck Academy Maastricht, by Aarnoud Rommens (°1977, Belgium) and Ingrid Stojnic (°1976, Croatia / Rekall Design). This website deals with issues of visual narration, censorship, human rights, comics and remembrance in the context of the Argentine military dictatorship of 1976-83. The comics and illustrations featured on Camouflage Comics are all new; they were made between 2002 and 2005. However, there is a strange continuity between these comics and the handful of what one could call "critical avant-garde" comics published during or around the time of the military regime, by such pioneers as Alberto Breccia, Carlos Trillo, Hector Oesterheld, and others. Indeed, the two parallel timelines cannot be clearly separated. On the contrary, they continuously intersect, urging us to interpret the 'new' in light of the 'old' - and vice versa. The "dirty war" of 1976-83 still informs the "structures of feeling" of Argentine society at this very moment. This project is a reflection of/on this, on how the junta had affected and how it still, posthumously, produces after-effects in the shaping of discourse, arts, and social memory - the "hearts and minds" of contemporary Argentine society if you will. Camouflage Comics: Dirty War Images can be read as a specific manifestation of this memory-work; it is a space intended for the ongoing visual and verbal reflection on the legacies of a (recent) past. Link
posted by johannes,
Thursday, June 02, 2005
[The Archives]