monochrom show // ++TAUGSHOW #6++ online: The flat hierarchies of talk shows are about as subversive as NYC Democrats smoking dope. But count us out! We won’t produce a talk show. Nope. We produce a TAUGSHOW! Which means: we dig it. Our guests are geeks, heretics, and other coevals. A joyful bucket full of good clean fanaticism, crisis, language, culture, self-content, identity, utopia, mania and despair, condensed into the well known cultural technique of a prime time TV show.
[taugen; Viennese slang: to dig/love/adore something]
Host: Johannes Grenzfurthner Content Manager: Roland Gratzer

Taugshow #6 Recorded Friday, September 15, 2006 at dietheater, Konzerthaus, Vienna. Duration: 1 h 47 minutes.
Vik Olliver: Nanotechnology and RepRap: Vik Olliver is a 40-something longhair software developer, artist and volunteer firefighter who lives with his family (wife Suz, daughters Kate and Tamara) and many cats in the Waitakere Rainforest in New Zealand. Currently he is one of the driving forces of the RepRap Project (; which aims to create the first practical and programmable self-replicating machine.
Adia Martin: Fashion, Technology and Femal Sovereignty: Adia Martin is a New York ex-patriate currently residing between Vienna and London. Having spent the past ten years of her life working in various different areas of the fashion industry, her primary concentration has always found its way back towards a historical foundation. Adia looks at how the change in the roles of women in society directly influenced fashion styles, tastes, and necessities. Because the 20th Century created some of the most rapid and significant evolutions in recorded history, it becomes easier to recognize how quickly what we wear is directly correlated to what we do.
Michael Bauer: 310 Chinese LED Throwies: Instantaneous beauty and dynamic collaborative pieces of artwork. What else is there to ask for?
Regulars: In this month's "Gorgeous Wordz" column, Evelyn Fuerlinger will talk about the differences between the English and the German sound-systems, as well as about birds. Roland Gratzer talks about female pirates. And we have a special anniversary to celebrate.
Showband: Beata Pozitiva Vs. Alfons Bauernfeind
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posted by johannes,
Thursday, September 28, 2006
[The Archives]