V. Vale on Arse Elektronika
 Great summary by V. Vale.There are certain events (temporary autonomous zones or TAZs) where you feel like you're living in a future society, or a future world. I often had this feeling during 70s Punk Rock Shows, or talking to J.G. Ballard and William S. Burroughs, and always at Survival Research Laboratories (SRL) shows. People say they experience this at Burning Man. I definitely got this feeling attending ARSE ELEKTRONIKA, curated by the Vienna art group "monochrom," hosted by kink.com (and others) at a no-sign location on Jessie St between 5th and 6th Sts.
The black painted interior led to a bar area on the left, a bathroom on the right (patronized by both sexes simultaneously) and straight ahead was the main audience room, with the stage to the left. Decor was authentic medieval castle, with iron rings everywhere. The ceiling had dozens of light fixtures — this was a film set. Behind the "auditorium" were authentic-looking prison cells, a community shower, and horse stables (sans horses). The audience was mostly dressed in dark clothes, with at least three people sporting neon magenta or bright red hair. Two young people had mohawks (more on them later).
The beginning of the Arse Elektronika was introduced by Johannes Grenzfurthner, a very amusing off-the-cuff speaker who is capable of instant improvised oblique responses to any question. The conference's focus was on pornography and its role in catalyzing/inspiring/leading the invention of new technology. As J.G. Ballard put it, "Sex times technology equals the future" (1972?) and the A.E. event fleshed out this prophecy, literally. There were new ideas introduced every hour, and some of them may have fallen into the category of "too much information." As this is a "family"-appropriate newsletter, much of what was witnessed will have to be withheld until later...
[...] Link
posted by johannes,
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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