Punk Memorabilia Auction at Christie's
An auction at Christie's in New York usually wouldn't get me excited a great deal, interested in Art History as I may be. But Sale 2063 not only sounds like a great name for a mystery novel, it could nowadays also be the title of a dusty piece of legendary 12" vinyl. Given the simple sub-title "Punk/Rock", Christie's is putting together a pretty insane collection of items up for auction.
My most favorite item is Lot 336, the original artwork for Beastie Boys' Licensed to Ill LP-Cover by David I Gambale (I think now I know why there's an "I" in the BB-Diamond!!). I am seriously in awe, the mere possibility that this unique thing could be baught for money and placed above a mantle-piece is just stealing my breath. Estimate $20,000 to $30,000 Dollars. I somehow doubt this will be pinned onto the wall of some squat in Bristol.
Also of note is this British newspaper poster (Lot 72, below), while in fact, for an estimated 1,500 bucks you get 2 more posters, that are equally important and historic, if not more so. GROUCHO MARX DIES and ELVIS LIES IN STATE. Don't tell me you think of these headlines as boring.

There are items in there that you might expect, things by Raymond Pettibon, Blondie and DEVO, but there's also newer, more recent artists involved, like a set of skateboards designed by Frank Kozik (Lot 126) and toys by KAWS. The latter is something I usually wouldn't consider punk nor rock.
But then again, it is a varied auction, and it makes a point at starting right at the roots of punk, with handbills and other memorabilia for Johnny Cash, Billie Holiday, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. Wait, Jimi Hendrix? Zappa? Captain Beefheart? The Monkees, MC5 and Van Halen? Nirvana and Cindy Sherman? I think we've come full circle.
There's also a couple of pretty tedious things, but come on, 4 Hardcore T-Shirts that include Bad Brains and a Dead Kennedys Tour T-Shirt ("Mowing Down Australia '83"), a bargain at an estimated $700. Anyone want to pitch in?
posted by DNL,
Friday, October 31, 2008
[The Archives]