Soviet Unterzoegersdorf @ Toorcamp: A Triumphant Gala Using Public Domain Clipart
Let the proletarians sing with joy! Let us celebrate a glorious triumph! Soviet Unterzoegersdorf's ambassador Nikita Perostek Chrusov will be giving a speech at a former ICBM silo in Washington State! On the 4th of July! Surrounded by volcanic dust and libertarian nerds! The irony!
monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993. [more]