Times Online features "50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know" by Mark Henderson.
The question has fuelled some of history's fiercest scientific and political feuds. Now we have an answer.Well, check it out. Link Murder, Employee Breastfeeds Are Played for Fun on Cairo Stage Murder in a bread line. Migrants drowning at sea. Solitary death in an uncaring city. Such kinds of events draw laughs on a Cairo stage.Link TS Eliot: 'Animal Farm' Too Trotskyite To Publish [W]hen George Orwell sent Animal Farm to TS Eliot for consideration, the poet - then a director of Faber and Faber - rejected it as 'unconvincing'. In a letter from 1944 explaining why he would not be publishing the work, Eliot told Orwell that he was not persuaded by the 'Trotskyite' politics which underpin the narrative. To publish such an anti-Russian novel would jar in the contemporary political climate, explained the poet.Link Classic Sesame Street - Richard Pryor's alphabet monochrom's Toyps / new entries ![]() ![]() We need your errors! Link monochrom presents: brand new Gastrokunst ![]() ![]() Link New Honzo submissions: the world commiserates! ![]() But you don't know Honzo? Well... In 1952, Austrian big-game hunter and Africa ‘researcher’ Ernst Zwilling (a colonial revisionist and member of the Nazi party) brought a male chimpanzee from Cameroon to Schönbrunn, the Viennese zoo. In his African home, ‘Honzo’ had reportedly been a friendly and amiable animal, but in the zoo he began to show a rather violent temper. Due to his choleric outbreaks, poor Honzo was kept in solitary confinement. The chimpanzee was given beer and cigarettes. He got addicted and died an alcoholic and chain-smoker. After his death, the chimp was taxidermied and put into the Viennese Museum of Natural History. Now people from all over the world stare at him. ![]() But that's by far not enough! Send yours! Link to all tributes Music from old computers Internationally renowned chip tune musician Pixelh8 / Matthew C. Applegate makes his music from reprogramming vintage computer systems such as the ZX spectrum, Commodore 64 and Game Boy.
His most recent work “Obsolete?” is a study of the The National Museum of Computing, at WWII code-breaking centre Bletchley Park, the people, the history and the machines. Using the old computing machines such as the Colossus Mark 2, Elliot 803 and others to create a whole new palette on which to create the music with. Link Upcoming: monochrom in Boston ![]() March 24: Boston (8 PM @ Hudson Street Gallery, 18 Hudson Street, Boston)Show up. Or cry. Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 2: Walkthroughs ![]() Dutch walkthrough ![]() Upcoming: monochrom in NYC/Brooklyn ![]() NYCResistor; 397 Bridge Street, 5th Floor; Brooklyn, NY 11201 Close Encounters of the Cadillac kind. ![]() ![]() Link Soviet mission to Codeweavers ![]() At 010:00 hours SUZ Ambassador Chrushev met with the American office of Codeweavers, who are responsible for translating the new adventure game to Mac and Linux. After they treated him to breakfast, Chrushev opened his pocketbook and scratched out in pencil the launch codes for St. Paul, Minnesota. Link Upcoming: monochrom in St. Louis ![]() March 19: talk; 3 PM @ Webster University, Dept. of Arts SUZ2 Version 1.2 ![]() Why should you try it? There is a 12.5% chance that you end up in US-Oberzoegersdorf and get a question that should be answered with "Euro", but you can't. Version 1.2 will solve the dilemma. You can use all your old saved games. Don't cry. Link Upcoming: monochrom in Chicago ![]() March 18: Chicago (7:30 PM @ Mercury Cafe, 1505 W Chicago Ave ![]() Complete Soviet Success: SUZ2 Version 1.1 for Win/OSX/Linux ![]() Progress! Bolshevik greetings to our partners at CodeWeavers! If you are using Version 1.0, follow the orders and check out the FAQ on the Soviet Unterzoegersdorf: Sector II page! ![]() Upcoming: monochrom in Seattle ![]() ![]() At Theatre4. March 14, 8 PM. 305 Harrison, 4th Floor, Seattle The Long Story Of The Cardboard Box From The Sky / Part 6 Soviet Success: SUZ2 Version 1.1! ![]() Version 1.1 for OSX (Intel) and Linux will be available tomorrow. Linuxians! Some of the reported reactionary sound problems can and others will be fixed! A new dawn will bring progress! Please check out FAQ and upload section on Soviet Unterzoegersdorf: Sector II page! ![]() monochrom & Laughing Squid Drinkup at Lucky 13 in San Francisco ![]() Johannes Grenzfurthner of monochrom is visiting from Vienna. He came to the Bay Area for last night’s Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Sector II release party and he’s also a speaker at ETech 2009 (Johannes is presenting at LateTech on Wednesday night).Link Soviet Unterzoegersdorf: Sector II / The Adventure Game / Download ![]() /////// SOVIET UNTERZOEGERSDORF ////// ///// SECTOR II //// /// The Adventure Game // / An adventure marches on! Soviet Unterzoegersdorf (pronounced "oon-taa-tsee-gars-doorf") is the last existing client republic of the USSR. The soviet enclave maintains no diplomatic relationship with the surrounding so-called "Republic of Austria" or with the capitalist fortress "European Union". The downfall of the people's motherland -- the Soviet Union -- in the early 1990s had a devastating effect on the country's intra-economic situation. External reactionary forces threatened the last remaining proletarian paradise. Party secretary Wladislav Gomulka has been kidnapped and is being held in US-Oberzoegersdorf. We must save comrade Gomulka! Because communism isn't an opinion. It's a promise. ![]() Special Non Player Guest Characters: Jello Biafra, Bruce Sterling, Cory Doctorow, Emmanuel Goldstein, Mitch Altman, Bre Pettis, David 'DaddyD' Dempsey, Kyle Machulis, MC Frontalot, Eddie Codel, Irina Slutsky, Christian 'plomlompom' Heller, Jason Scott Sadofsky, Hans Bernhard, Robert Stachel (maschek) -- and many more. Voice Acting by: Jevgeni Beliaikin, Sergey Teterin, Mikhail A. Crest, Daria Prawda, Bre Pettis -- and many more. Soundtrack features: The Fat Man/George Alistair Sanger, Q-Burns Abstract Message, Zoe Keating, Neil Landstrumm, Jonathan Mann aka GameJew, Blockwerk, The Extra Action Marching Band, The Lazy, antivolk - Torsun feat. classless Kulla, Jan Klesse & Felix Knoke (left), Savant Trigger, Rioteer, MC Orgelmueller, Magic Jordan, Schaua, Horace, The Vladivostoks, Limpopo, Eric Skiff, Prometheus X, Kertal (feat. sunsetfactory), Bolschewistische Kurkapelle Schwarz-Rot, Farmers Market, Attention, Cosmonauts!, Woodn Earf, Trishes, Krach the Robot, Prosperity Denied, Arteom Denissov, Dan Oberbauer aka DJ Chronos, LFO DEMON -- and more. Operating systems: Available for Windows, Linux and OSX! And many thanks to the fabulous comrades at CodeWeavers for Linux/OSX versions. And also bloshevik geetings to the folks at Silver Server for bandwidth sponsoring. For IBM PC and Non-Compatible! A true tour-de-red-force! Russian with English or German subtitles! Appealing graphical game interface! Creative Commons License! Link / Download A handy little guide to small talk in the Stone Age A "time traveller's phrasebook" that could allow basic communication between modern English speakers and Stone Age cavemen is being compiled by scientists studying the evolution of language.Link Social Networks and Mind Evolution From the always enjoyable Posthuman Marxist:
So what is my Lacanian take on this issue of what I call, for lack of a better name, a “mind evolution”? Social networks and Web 2.0, even the computer logic in general, play a world of difference in the subject’s relation to the big Other, the socio-Symbolic order, as well as his relation to his own object-production. In the social Web, we have fluid identities (we consciously construct online identities), confusion of time (we can undo many things we did not want, we can think about what we want to say in a chat before hitting Enter), and virtually eternal memory (objects of our production never disappear and can be reproduced endlessly), to name a few that I think are the major. Is this not proof that the basis of language and society itself (the notion of forgetting, of property, of not-knowing, of spatial interaction, of temporality, etc.) is changing?Link Bubbly Ty Evans Ty Evans, the man behind skateboardings most awesome videos - Yeah Right and Fully Flared were the biggest - did another commercial for a big, corporate non-skate company.
He already did one about a year ago for a brand of beer, and this one's now for a chocolate bar. I'm not going to start moaning about how big corporations want to make a buck out of skateboarding, I really don't care - in this instance. Because it's Ty. I guess if you can get good money and backing to make incredibly beautiful commercials, then you should go for it. The beauty of this one is that there's no messing around with CGI. It's just thousands of brown balloons being blown up and blown about by giant hair-dryers. It's that kind of vision and playfulness that I have always admired in Spike Jonze's work, and I can't help but feel that it must have rubbed off from Jonze onto Evans. Jonze, of course, is very involved in the entire Crailtap/Girl-Family. UPDATE: Oh. Right. I just found out about Dave England (remember Jackass?) having done this thing before. Ty openly says he saw that youtube-video. I still maintain, however, that the way how it was filmed, edited and executed is so special about it. I guess Ty took it and put his stamp on an awesome idea. Rumours are that Dave saw some money for the idea, too. It's all good. N.B.: This is the director's cut and NOT the final version that is aired on TV. The link pushes you straight onto Evan's website. He's currently filming the full-length Chocolate Skateboards ideo. No pun intended. Link (.mov) And don't you think this is a viral-video post. Darwin's Tortoise: RIP A giant Galapagos tortoise widely believed to have been collected by Charles Darwin during his famous voyage on the Beagle survived in an Australian zoo until recently. Darwin studied giant tortoises while on the journey which eventually led him to his theory of evolution. The story is that he brought Harriet (and two other tortoises) home to England, but the cold winters didn't suit them. Therefore when one of Darwin's friends and ex-shipmates from the Beagle said that he was travelling to Australia, Darwin asked him to take the tortoises along. The other two died decades ago, but Harriet lived to be a sprightly 176 year-old and was a star attraction at Australia Zoo in Queensland until her sudden death in 2006.Link Is The Dead Sea Dying? The water levels in the Dead Sea - the deepest point on Earth - are dropping at an alarming rate with serious environmental consequences, according to Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh and colleagues from the University of Technology in Darmstadt, Germany.
Link Horton Foote, Chronicler of America in Plays and Film, Dies at 92 Horton Foote, who chronicled a wistful American odyssey through the 20th century in plays and films mostly set in a small town in Texas and who left a literary legacy as one of the country's foremost storytellers, died on Wednesday in Hartford. He was 92 and lived in Pacific Palisades, Calif., and Wharton, Tex.Link How your brain creates God The origin of religious belief is something of a mystery, but in recent years scientists have started to make suggestions. One leading idea is that religion is an evolutionary adaptation that makes people more likely to survive and pass their genes onto the next generation. In this view, shared religious belief helped our ancestors form tightly knit groups that cooperated in hunting, foraging and childcare, enabling these groups to outcompete others. In this way, the theory goes, religion was selected for by evolution, and eventually permeated every human society.Link monochrom is new collaborator of Evil Twin Booking ![]() ![]() ![]() Link The Long Story Of The Cardboard Box From The Sky / Part 5 monochrom's USA tour dates / Vorsprung durch Kulturtechnik ![]() ![]() March 7: San Francisco (8 PM @ Soviet Special, Chez Poulet, 3359 Cesar Chavez) Laughing Squid announces release party of SUZ2 ![]() Our friends from monochrom are hosting a release party for their new video game Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Sector II at Chez Poulet this Saturday, March 7th. [...] There will speeches, Soviet science fair and a proletariat baking competition: Cake for the Common Man. Revolts crushed, potatoes mashed.And he is right! Link Books and Music That Make You Dumb Grabbing data from Facebook, Virgil Griffith, author of the WikiScanner, has visualized (possible) relations between taste in books and music and academic archievements:
With his two Web sites (which have crashed from too much traffic), Booksthatmakeyoudumb.com and Musicthatmakesyoudumb.com, Griffith used aggregated Facebook data about the favorite bands and books among students of various colleges and plotted them against the average SAT scores at those schools, creating a tongue-in-cheek statistical look at taste and intelligence. [...]Link [The Archives] ![]() . . . . . |
. . monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.
[more] Booking monochrom: [Europe] [USA] External monochrom links: [monochrom Wikipedia] [monochrom Flickr] [monochrom blip.tv] [monochrom GV] [monochrom Youtube] [monochrom Facebook] [monochrom iTunes] [monochrom Twitter] ![]() [ P r o j e c t s ] Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 2 / The Adventure Game Krach der Roboter: Hello World! Slacking is killing the DIY industry (T-Shirt) Carefully Selected Moments / CD, LP Freedom is a whore of a word (T-Shirt) International Year of Polytheism 2007 Santa Claus Vs. Christkindl: A Mobster Battle Kiki and Bubu and The Shift / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Privilege / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Self / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Good Plan / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Feelings / Short film / Short film Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 1 / The Adventure Game I was a copyright infringement in a previous life (T-Shirt) Firing Squad Euro2008 Intervention I can count every star in the heavens above -- The image of computers in popular music All Tomorrow's Condensations / Puppet show The Redro Loitzl Story / Short film Law and Second Order (T-Shirt) They really kicked you out of the Situationist International? When I was asked to write about new economy Arse Elektronika 2007, 2008, 2009 etc. The Void's Foaming Ebb / Short film The Charcoal Burner / Short film Fieldrecording in Sankt Wechselberg / Short film Campaign For The Abolition Of Personal Pronouns Entertainment (Unterhaltung) / Short film Nicholas Negroponte Memorial Cable Experience the Experience! (West Coast USA/Canada Tour 2005) A Holiday in Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling Network Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Metroblogging Every Five Seconds an Inkjet Printer Dies Somewhere 452 x 157 cm² global durability Blattoptera / Art for Cockroaches An attempt to emulate an attempt The Department for Criticism against Globalisation Disney vs. Chrusov / Short film Turning Threshold Countries Into Plows Roböxotica // Festival for Cocktail-Robotics Cracked Foundation For The Fine Arts Oh my God, they use a history which repeats itself! (T-Shirt) Administrating: ![]() . . . . . |