![]() ![]() Check out genderish versions, colors and (uber)sizes! Order here Meeting point for monochrom's Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling @ Maker Faire Bay Area 2009 ![]() ![]() Sunday, 31 May 2009, 3 PM! Link monochrom's Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling @ Maker Faire Bay Area 2009 ![]() ![]() You can find the ruleset on our page. Link monochrom's Dept. of Applied Office Arts: New Submissions ![]() ![]() We got new submissions for the Dept. of Applied Office Arts. You don't know the Dept.? Well... Office art (especially office drawing) is a regular technique used by people in white-collar working situations. There may not necessarily be a creative impulse to create office work, but the impulse of overcoming general work boredom or the necessity to help office workers keeping focus during telephone conversations and/or office meetings. This page is dedicated to collecting office art.Here, an interesting Applied Office Art installation: ![]() Please submit! Link monochrom: New Gastro-Art ![]() Like this one, featuring a cross and zombie hands. Image taken at a Viennese Chinese restaurant. ![]() Link Harsh Conditions: monochrom's Roleplaying Extravaganza ![]() monochrom will bring good old role-playing to the big stage. ![]() May 23, 2009; 10 PM -- as part of SIGINT in Cologne. Link The Innermost Unifier: Corporate Anthems @ SIGINT festival ![]() The Innermost Unifier: Today it's the Corporate Anthem ![]() Link The Hidden Toxic Flow: How our old computers are poisoning Africa Chris Cummins reports...
11-year old Emmanuel Osei works as a scrap collector in Ghana, scavenging metal from the corpses of Western computers, televisions and other end-of-life electronic products that have been dumped in West Africa. His goal is to salvage the odd gram of useful metals such as copper, which he can resell for a few cents. To isolate those metals he and his fellow rubbish-pickers have to burn away the useless plastics in the insulation tubes and circuit boards. Black clouds rise above the scrap heaps from the fires – a toxic mist that boys like Emmanuel constantly breathe in. Sometimes, to make the fires more effective, rubber car tyres are thrown on to the flames - adding some new ingredients to the toxic cocktail. ![]() Link Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock The Case of the Missing H-Bomb This essay is featured in Jeffrey St. Clair's forthcoming book, Loose Nukes published by Count Zero Press.
Things go missing. It's to be expected. Even at the Pentagon. Last October, the Pentagon's inspector general reported that the military's accountants had misplaced a destroyer, several tanks and armored personnel carriers, hundreds of machine guns, rounds of ammo, grenade launchers and some surface-to-air missiles. In all, nearly $8 billion in weapons were AWOL.Link You can now buy low calorie water. ![]() Bio-synergy Skinny Water, is the first in the world to be fortified with l-carnitine and chromium. A low-calorie water, enhanced with a unique combination of ingredients to help support healthy weight loss.Link What We Think We Know Of Fairy Tales Is A Fairy Tale, Too In the scholarly debate about the origins of fairy tales, "the latest clash [is] over a new claim that, far from being passed down through an oral tradition, fairy tales actually have their history in print." Stony Brook University professor Ruth B. Bottigheimer argues that "folk invention and transmission of fairy tales has no basis in verifiable fact."
Link Anarcho-Transhumanism and "Hacking the Spaces" ![]() This is just the start, of course. I'd also suggest that efforts be made to develop more radical hacktivist projects, particularly aligned towards ongoing social struggles. What if an Anonymous-style movement went after the Minutemen and nativist anti-immigration groups rather than the Church of Scientology? Hacklabs should also be connecting to these ongoing social movements and offering their technical expertise and support. Imagine if a worker-occupied factory was able to continue production under worker control thanks to the adoption of reprap machines or other open source 3D printers, facilitaed by hacktivists? What if DIY robot hackers assembled fleets of drones to aid in Copwatch programs, using sousveillance to keep abuses of authority in line? Even better, what if these hackerspace users took their politics back to the labs, factories, and offices in which they work, enabling a new movement of radicalized scientists and techies to counter the corporate uses and abuses of their research and intellectual labor? What are we waiting for?Link Biological Particles Trigger Ice Formation In High-altitude Clouds A team of UC San Diego-led atmospheric chemistry researchers moved closer to what is considered the "holy grail" of climate change science when it made the first-ever direct detection of biological particles within ice clouds.
Link What is it like to be a baby? In The Philosophical Baby developmental psychologist Alison Gopnik compiles the latest in her field’s research to paint a new picture of our inner lives at inception — one in which we are, in some ways, more conscious than adults. Gopnik spoke with Seed's Evan Lerner about how babies and young children learn from us and what we can learn from them.
![]() Link New Honda hybrid: Terrible? Much has been written about the Insight, Honda's new low-priced hybrid. We've been told how much carbon dioxide it produces, how its dashboard encourages frugal driving by glowing green when you're easy on the throttle and how it is the dawn of all things. The beginning of days.Link monochrom's "Climate Training Camp": Setup ![]() ![]() ![]() Flickr Set / Link Climate Training Camp Dorkbot Vienna #8: Tetsuya Umeda ![]() Altering fans, televisions, and other everyday appliances, converting their functions into something utterly different, UMEDA creates objets freed from their original meanings. His works, created to suit the spaces in which they will be installed, use utterly familiar, commonplace phenomena, channeled through his clever handiness and unique spatial sensibility, to create mysterious, seemingly impossible sensations. They thereby free one from rigid perceptions constrained by preconceived ideas.Sunday, May 17, 2009. 7 PM @ Metalab Vienna (Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna) Link monochrom and "Lonely Planet": Infringement updates ![]() Link monochrom's "Climate Training Camp" ![]() ![]() Climate change tends to be seen as the result of failed politics. But the causes lay deeper: certain subjects of an economy act against each other's interests in international as well as in terms of the nation state. It's always the fault of the others who want to eat twice a day, as German chancellorette Angela Merkel rightfully stated. 'Climate machines' like portable heaters for example enabled humanity to adapt to any climate in the 19th century, creating 'climate-independent artificial man' (Friedrich Nietzsche). But the climatic challenges of the 21st century want to be tackled with a new generation of climate machines: adjusting the climate to man's needs is no longer the aim, it has to be the other way around. In a workshop and with lectures the art group monochrom wants to convey the knowledge required to build climate booths enabling you to train your personal adaptability to the extreme weather conditions of the future, today. Success in your job and with your choice of sexual partners is guaranteed! On top of that you have the opportunity to get a whiff of tomorrow's climate in our climate booths 'sand storm' and 'snow storm', and to gain precious experience. There's a lot to endure, let's get started. Next training: May 18/19, 2009 in Berlin/Germany at HAU 2 (Theater Hebbel am Ufer; Hallesches Ufer 32 / 10963 Berlin) as part of "Woher der Wind weht. Szenarien des Klimawandels" Link Catholic Kama Sutra The Catholic church just got a whole lot sexier...
The Reverend Ksawery Knotz has a message for all married Catholic couples out there: there's nothing wrong with a steamy sex life.Link Hackerspaces and hippie crashpads: "Hacking the Spaces" on Boing Boing: "Hacking the Spaces": A critical acclaim of what was, is and could be a hackerspace ![]() By Johannes Grenzfurthner/Frank Apunkt Schneider (monochrom). ![]() The history of the so-called hackerspaces expands back to when the counter culture movement was about to make a serious statement. In the decade after the hippies attempted to establish new ways of social, political, economical and ecological relationships, a lot of experiments were carried out concerning the construction of new spaces to live and to work in. Thus, the first hackerspaces fit best into a countercultural topography consisting of squat houses, alternative cafes, farming cooperatives, collectively run businesses, communes, non-authoritarian childcare centres, and so on. All of these established a tight network for an alternative lifestyle within the heart of bourgeois darkness. Hackerspaces provided room where people could go and work in laid-back, cool and non-repressive environments (well, as far as any kind of space or environment embedded into a capitalist society can be called laid-back, cool and non-repressive). Sociological termed "third spaces" are spaces that break through the dualistic scheme of bourgeois spatial structure with places to live and places to work (plus places for spare time activities). They represent an integrative way that refuses to accept a lifestyle which is formed through such a structure. This means they can come to cooperative and non-repressive ways of working on e.g. technical problems that may result in new and innovative solutions. And that's exactly where Adorno's "Wrong Life" could slip in too... Link Keynesianism constrained Essay by Jim Tomlinson.
The current economic crisis has reignited a debate about Keynesianism that many had thought only of historical interest. This commentary suggests that the revival of Keynesianism undermines a key assumption of almost all accounts of postwar capitalism, namely that it can be fundamentally divided into a "Keynesian" and a "post-Keynesian" period.Link UK's Immigration Laws Are Harming The Arts Thanks to the one-size-fits-all anti-terrorism laws, artists from outside the EU now need to go through a complex process of finding a sponsor and getting all manner of fingerprints and face-scans prior to travelling to the UK. ... [D]o we really need a scan of Robert LePage's face to know that he's not coming here to bomb Canary Wharf?And that's hardly the only problem with the laws. Link Obsessive Housing Disorder Nearly a century of Washington's efforts to promote homeownership has produced one calamity after another. Time to stop.
In December, the New York Times published a 5,100-word article charging that the Bush administration's housing policies had "stoked" the foreclosure crisis--and thus the financial meltdown. By pushing for lax lending standards, encouraging government enterprises to make mortgages more available, and leaning on private lenders to come up with innovative ways to lend to ever more Americans—using "the mighty muscle of the federal government," as the president himself put it—Bush had lured millions of people into bad mortgages that they ultimately couldn't afford, the Times said.Link Today: Live Stream from Soviet Unterzoegersdorf ![]() ![]() Where? Please visit dock18.ch! The Neuroscience of Magic Tricks Our brains don't see everything - the world is too big, too full of stimuli. So the brain takes shortcuts, constructing a picture of reality with relatively simple algorithms for what things are supposed to look like. Magicians capitalize on those rules." Says Teller (of Penn and), "If the audience asks, 'How the hell did he do that?' then the experiment was successful. I've exploited the efficiencies of your mind.Link "Israel" and "Israel in the Media" I have my very own Israel problem and it is this: the Israel I know, which I have visited for weeks at a time, which I experience through its literature and media and the Israeli citizens I have met, bears no relation to the Israel I see in most of the Western media. That Israel seems almost to dominate Western intellectual life. It is commonly held that Israel lies at the heart of the widespread Muslim hostility to the West and much of the ideological conflict in the Middle East. But Israel must surely also lie at the heart of the West itself; it is so often the centrepoint of raging ideological debate, shrill mutual denunciation, ferocious polemic, emotional demonstrations, university activism and academic boycotts.Link The Only Grave On The Moon To date, Eugene Merle Shoemaker is the only person to have been buried on the Moon. Didn't know that.
Link On this graph... Surviving the Apocalypse: The Romanian Perspective A wonderful cartoon-style interview with Stefan Tiron and Alexandra Croitoru. How to survive a cataclysmic disaster in the 2nd world?
![]() Link Comrade or Brother? A History of the British Labour Movement A timely overview of two centuries of British labour history carries hope for the future as well as insights on the past.
![]() The broad thrust of this impressive overview of 200 years of British labour history concerns the dichotomy between a rich radical socialist tradition and an equally influential reformist current. The latter tendency was perhaps best exemplified by the Labour leader Keir Hardie, who at the beginning of the 20th century identified his and the Labour Party's politics as 'labourism': a 'theory and practice which accepted the possibility of social change within the existing framework of society'.Book: Comrade or Brother? A History of the British Labour Movement (by Mary Davis, Pluto Press) Link Slot games for the hippocampus: Computing uncertainty The hippocampus, a key brain region for memory and learning, codes the degree of uncertainty of potential reward situations. This fundamental role has just been demonstrated by Giovanna Vanni-Mercier and her colleagues at the Centre de neuroscience cognitive (CNRS / Université Lyon 1), working with the medical epileptology team from the Neurological Hospital in Lyon. Their work, published on 22 April 2009 in Journal of Neuroscience, sheds new light on the way the brain extracts and processes information about the environment.
Link Post-Google, plagiarism is a different art It was October 25, and I suppose it was the middle of the night, given the time difference between the Netherlands and Virginia, when a Dutch newspaper nabbed my grandmother.Link [The Archives] ![]() . . . . . |
. . monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.
[more] Booking monochrom: [Europe] [USA] External monochrom links: [monochrom Wikipedia] [monochrom Flickr] [monochrom blip.tv] [monochrom GV] [monochrom Youtube] [monochrom Facebook] [monochrom iTunes] [monochrom Twitter] ![]() [ P r o j e c t s ] Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 2 / The Adventure Game Krach der Roboter: Hello World! Slacking is killing the DIY industry (T-Shirt) Carefully Selected Moments / CD, LP Freedom is a whore of a word (T-Shirt) International Year of Polytheism 2007 Santa Claus Vs. Christkindl: A Mobster Battle Kiki and Bubu and The Shift / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Privilege / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Self / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Good Plan / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Feelings / Short film / Short film Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 1 / The Adventure Game I was a copyright infringement in a previous life (T-Shirt) Firing Squad Euro2008 Intervention I can count every star in the heavens above -- The image of computers in popular music All Tomorrow's Condensations / Puppet show The Redro Loitzl Story / Short film Law and Second Order (T-Shirt) They really kicked you out of the Situationist International? When I was asked to write about new economy Arse Elektronika 2007, 2008, 2009 etc. The Void's Foaming Ebb / Short film The Charcoal Burner / Short film Fieldrecording in Sankt Wechselberg / Short film Campaign For The Abolition Of Personal Pronouns Entertainment (Unterhaltung) / Short film Nicholas Negroponte Memorial Cable Experience the Experience! (West Coast USA/Canada Tour 2005) A Holiday in Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling Network Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Metroblogging Every Five Seconds an Inkjet Printer Dies Somewhere 452 x 157 cm² global durability Blattoptera / Art for Cockroaches An attempt to emulate an attempt The Department for Criticism against Globalisation Disney vs. Chrusov / Short film Turning Threshold Countries Into Plows Roböxotica // Festival for Cocktail-Robotics Cracked Foundation For The Fine Arts Oh my God, they use a history which repeats itself! (T-Shirt) Administrating: ![]() . . . . . |