Our favorite sock puppets Kiki and Bubu have some feelings, so they sign up for an online dating site. When the People of China want to become their friend, they are excited. However, sending the People of China a video of themselves proves to be difficult: Their content gets flagged as inappropriate and taken down from YouTube. On the long quest for knowledge which follows, Kiki and Bubu learn all about Internet censorship. And love.

Running time: 50 minutes in glorious S-VHS! (IMDb entry)

Never forget! Our glorious release tour in 2011 and 2012!
Tour dates were:
Crashspace LA:
10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City CA (March 29, 2011; 9 PM / Facebook Event)
Chez Poulet:
3359 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco CA (April 4, 2011; 8 PM / Facebook Event)
Suite 33B, 999 du Collège, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4C 2S3 (April 7, 2011; 8 PM / Facebook Event)
Festival in Berlin (April 13, 2011; 8 PM @ Kalkscheune, kleiner Saal / Facebook Event)
Future Pass - From Asia to the World at 54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia:
Exhibition (Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana, Venice, Italy; opening: June 2, 2011; 6 PM, exhibition running June 4 throug November 6, 2011 / Facebook Event)
Alleyway Arts:
David Spear's studio, located in the alley behind Willies and the Regency Hotel on Broadway and behind D-Sport on Walnut; Columbia, Missouri (September 16, 2011; 8 PM / Facebook Event)
Freie Uni Bamberg:
At the Balthasar, Balthasargäßchen 1, Bamberg, Germany (October 27, 2011; 8 PM)
At Künstlerhauskino, Vienna (December 10, 2011, 1 PM)
Urban ReThink:
Orlando, Florida (January 4, 2012, 7 PM / Facebook Event)
HOPE Conference:
New York City (July 14, 2012, 11:59 PM; Room: Sassaman, 18th floor)

Team: Johannes Grenzfurthner, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Nathan Boyer, Franz Ablinger, David "Daddy D" Dempsey, Roland Gratzer, Paula Pongratz, Günther Friesinger, Max Kade, Jens Ohlig, Jonathan Mann, Hermine Grenzfurthner, Thomas Lindermayer, Davor Garic, Daniel Fabry.
Supported by Stadt Wien, Okto TV, FH Joanneum IND.

Check out our Kiki and Bubu main project site for all previous videos.