The Concept
1. We Europeans-and-not-proud-of-it are always hearing that "experience", a ubiquitous word in the USA and Canada, is basically untranslatable. Of course, this is the same as with all cultural ideas: being untranslatable, ergo driving you crazy. monochrom would like to understand America, even if the media no longer can. And monochrom would like to beat America at its own game, but without having Austria end up in danger of getting flattened for being suspected of operating underground poison gas factories. Therefore: "experiences".
2. As a body without organs, America is certainly always worth an osmosis.
3. Social spaces are always a parody of Disney World, especially, for example, Euro Disney or Florida ("I don’t know if it means something but it looks like a gun" [David Thomas])
4. Social spaces are set up around ideas, concepts, practices. They produce the most diverse forms of money, e.g. experiences. We would like to trade "experience" for "the experience of experiences". Even though we are coming disguised as tourists, we don't want to always just take. We would also like to give.
5. This is our idea: We bring something with us for America. And when we leave, we will have gained the experience of how our experience has been experienced.
6. We want to see what that does to us and what the what-it-does-to-us does to America. We could also imagine what it would be like to be a tree or a cell phone ring tone. Someone from among us once took part in an experience weekend. That included a tree meditation. Everyone was supposed to imagine being a tree. Afterward the experience coach asked how it was. One person said he had really become a tree. If that works, it means that we could try it too.
7. When we have nothing to do, we go fishing or brainstorming. The following possibilities for bringing experiences to America are from our brainstorming. Or maybe we will do something completely different. Or go on vacation, that would be a nice experience ...
The Experience Of Being Buried Alive
The people present will have an opportunity to be buried alive
in a coffin for fifteen minutes. As a framework program there
will be lectures about the history of the science of determining
death and the medical cultural history of "buried alive".
People buried alive not only populate the horror stories of past
centuries, but also countless reports in specialized medical literature.
The theme of unintentional resurrection by grave robbers also
runs through forensic protocols. Even in the 19th century it was
said that every tenth person was buried alive. No wonder that
the fear of this fate was immense and led - especially in the
German-speaking region - to all kinds of precautions to avoid
it. Various death test methods were developed, for instance. "Security
coffins" with bell pulls and air hoses were patented; mortuaries
were built, in which corpses were left for days to natural decay.
> Blog
Los Angeles (Machine Project): June 14, 8 PM.
Vancouver (Contemporary Art Gallery): June 30, 8 PM.
San Francisco (RxGallery): July 8, 7 PM.

The Experience Of An Illegal Space Race
The California desert begins just a few minutes' drive away from
the gallery. We will place the planets true to scale in the desert
(sun, 4 meters in diameter, Pluto, one centimeter in diameter,
about 20 miles away). Then we will conduct a car race. The team
that makes it through the desert fastest wins the "illegal
space race". In conclusion, of course, the speeds of the
cars will be calculated, for example, how much faster than light
they were. Planetary scientists will be on hand as guests to comment
on the events.
> Blog
Los Angeles (Machine Project): June 25, 2 PM.

the Experience of Growing Money
Money is frozen desire. Thus it governs the world. Money is used
for all forms of trade, from daily shopping at the supermarket
to trafficking in human beings and drugs. In the course of all
these transactions, our money wears out quickly, especially the
smaller bank notes that are changing hands constantly. Although
paper money (consisting of a robust blend of 75 percent cotton
and 25 percent linen) is manufactured to endure intensive use
(4,000 folds in each direction without tearing!), a dollar bill
only lasts an average of 18 months in the USA. The Federal Reserve
is responsible for ensuring that money is not too worn, torn or
soiled. For this purpose, all bank notes that are returned to
the Fed by other financial institutions are tested, and the bills
that don’t make the grade are pulled out of circulation.
Money is dirty, and thus it is a living entity. This is something
we take literally: money is an ideal environment for microscopic
organisms and bacteria. We want to make your money grow. In a
potent nutrient fluid under heat lamps we want to get as much
life as we can out of your dollar bills. Take part!
> Blog
San Francisco (RxGallery): July 14, 8 PM.

The Experience Of A Magnetism Party
Electromagnetic data carriers are subject to the influences of
time. Errors thus accumulate, due to mechanical influences, chemical
influences, thermic influences, influences from external magnetic
fields. The data carriers age, and the information stored on them
is affected. The bits can no longer be read, or they are altered,
or the information is lost. Accompanied by contemporary alternative
mainstream techno and house rhythms and using several heavy-duty
neodym magnets, monochrom will delete all the data carriers
that can be found. Naturally the public is invited to bring data
carriers themselves. The destruction of magnetic storage media
is a form of destruction that can reasonably be called unspectacular.
But it is important. Our society collects and collects and collects.
The hard drives are full. However, we can also dispense with the
bourgeois-humanist criticism of the "information flood",
this maelstrom that is said to attack the printed word. The Magnetism
Party is therefore an attempt to actively come to terms with one
aspect of the information society that is almost completely ignored
by our epistemological machinery. Delete is just another word
for nothing left to lose.
> Blog
Los Angeles (Machine Project): June 18, 8 PM.

the Experience of Catapulting Wireless Devices
The term catapult (from the Greek kata + paltes, to hurl down
or against) generally refers to a machine that converts conserved
energy into movement (movement energy) with the aim of putting
an object at rest into a state of motion (to “catapult”).
In antiquity and during the Middle Ages, the catapult was used
to hurl stones or arrows. These devices were primarily implemented
during sieges. The propulsion medium for this sort of catapult
was usually a material such as wood, rope or sinew under tension,
with the tension having been accumulated through the work of the
operating personnel (bow and arrow principle).
The catapult is one of the oldest machines in the history of technology.
It is no coincidence that monochrom would like to instigate
a creative return. The knife edge of technology hype is sharp,
most of all on the west coast of the United States. Thus monochrom
would like to initiate a competition. We invite interested persons
to design and build a catapult capable of hurling a cell phone
or a PDA unit the greatest possible distance. In order to ensure
that no participant has any unfair advantage, monochrom
will provide a specifications list regarding materials (e.g. metal)
that may not be used and other limitations (e.g. size and weight).
> Blog
San Francisco (RxGallery):
Workshop: July 9, 6 PM.
Event: July 16, 2 PM.

the Experience of a Brick of Coke
Sugar has always been expensive enough that in a variety of cultures
and eras it has even been used as a medium of exchange. In Europe
sugar was first introduced around the year 600, and it reached
England via the Mediterranean region in the 11th century - of
course as a luxury good reserved for the ruling class. The first
recorded delivery of slaves (to Lagos, Portugal in 1444) was intended
for sugar cultivation on Portugal’s Atlantic islands. In
order to provide sufficient “personnel” for the colonies
overseas, the slave trade was promoted intensively. Sugar was
in part responsible for the development of the gigantic preindustrial
bureaucratic mercantile system of “prosperity.” Refined
white sugar was the symbol of European conquest and of century-long
repression and colonial dependency. Sugar still dominates the
Western meal plan as the main energy provider. The “former”
tropical colonies are still ruled by the multinational concerns
of the sugar industry. Coca Cola is the largest seller on the
world market. monochrom is going to put several gallons
of Coca Cola into a pot and boil it down until the residue left
behind can be molded into a brick. A symbolic endeavor!
> Blog
Los Angeles (Machine Project): June 21, 8 PM.

the Experience of 1 Baud
The International Code of Signals serves to facilitate communication
at sea. It defines the meaning of alphabetical identification
codes for safety and navigation purposes. The key for “sending”
was drafted by a committee of the British Board of Trade in 1855
and published in 1857. The 1969 edition, revised in 2003, is still
in use today.
We have expanded the flag alphabet, not just so that it also includes
the @ sign, but so that city dwellers have access to pure communication.
The flag alphabet will be taught in a workshop lasting several
hours. After a few days set aside for study and practice, we would
like, in the form of a competition, to send an identical message
across the city over two equally long routes simultaneously. Will
it work?
> Blog
San Francisco (RxGallery):
Workshop: July 20, 6 PM.
Event: July 22, 5 PM.
