Welcome! Here you can register your infection. Have your zombie code ready!

List of Infections - total infection count: <% response.write(CStr(total)) %> so far.
Show infections - range: and list starting from:

Map of all infections from <% response.write(CompDate) %> up to now. All dates shown in GMT+0 timezone.

<% ' get the Zombie list from the database. gotazombie = False if bSuccess = True then ' traverse thru the Zombies. Set rootNode = XMLDoc.documentElement k = 0 j = 0 for each node in rootNode.ChildNodes k = k + 1 if DateDiff("d",node.GetAttribute("date"),CompDate) <= 0 then j = j + 1 if (j >= start) and (j < (start + 10)) then response.write(" " & VBCrLf) response.write(" " & VBCrLf) response.write(" " & VBCrLf) response.write(" " & VBCrLf) comment = node.GetAttribute("comment") if comment = "" then comment = "(could not say anything before getting infected.)" end if response.write(" " & VBCrLf) response.write(" " & VBCrLf) end if gotazombie = True end if next end if if not(gotazombie) then response.write("") end if Set XMLDoc = Nothing %>
# Infected on name famous last words
" & CStr(k) & "" & FormatDateTime(node.GetAttribute("date"),vbshortdate) & "" & node.GetAttribute("name") & "" & comment & "
No infections yet.