"Scrota Contra Vota" (2000-) is a form of radical political comment for 50 percent of the elective population. Your scrotum counts! Attention, male individuals (biological and/or gender)! Please undress and sit down on a flat bed scanner and scan your scrotum. Anatomize the hi-res JPEG to monochrom via email. As a form of protest, monochrom reserves the right to send these digital images to various public people of political interest. Scan Station Stadtpark Gallery/Krems/Austria, 2001
Scan Station Roböxotica Festival Vienna/Austria (Roböxotica), 2005
Last public demonstration of scan station was held at the Big Brother Awards 2010 at Rabenhof in Vienna (October 25, 2010) Upcoming public scan sessions: TBA Polit-Scrota Image Count: 34 "Scrota Contra Vota" was awarded with the NEBAPOMIC 2000 (Network-based Political Minimalism Counteraction Award) for the sub-category "Right-Wing European Mini States". "Scrota Contra Vota" is a registered resistance mark (RR). |