Arse Elektronika 2007: Speakers
Timothy Archibald
Timothy Archibald is the author of Sex Machines: Photographs and Interviews, published in Winter 2005 by Process Media Inc. His work has been exhibited by Etherton Gallery in Tucson, Arizona, Catskill Center for Photography in Woodstock, N.Y., The Museum of Sex in NYC and Zephyr Mannheim Gallery in Mannheim Germany.
Peter Asaro
Peter Asaro is a philosopher, artist, and cybernetician who is currently
working at Rutgers University's Center for Cultural Analysis. He earned
his PhD in the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science at the University
of Illinois, where he also earned his Master of Computer Science degree.
He has worked as a research scientist at the National Center for Supercomputer
Applications, the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
and Iguana Robotics Inc., and is on the IEEE Technical Committee on Robot
Ethics. In addition to "Love Machine," he has also made documentary
films about space science for the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna,
and was a postdoc in Digital Humanities at Umeå University in Sweden.
He has written extensively on the history of
cybernetics and cognitive neuroscience, and the ethics and politics of information
technology, robotics, and autonomous systems.
Thomas Ballhausen
Thomas Ballhausen (* 1975) studied Comparative Literature and German at the University of Vienna. Lecturer at the University of Vienna and at the University of Applied Arts; head of the Studies-Department of the Austrian Film Archive. Publications on film history, media theory, popular culture.
Violet Blue
I'm Violet Blue -- pro blogger, podcaster, vlogger and femmebot at Metblogs SF, Geek Entertainment TV, and Gawker Media's Fleshbot. I'm the sex columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, and a Forbes Web Celeb. I am also the best-selling, award-winning author and editor of almost two dozen books; some translated into five languages. I lecture about online porn to cyberlaw classes at UC Berkeley and sex crisis counselors at community teaching institutions. My podcast is the notorious Open Source Sex, profiled everywhere from Wired and Newsweek (MSNBC) to the Wall Street Journal. My fun tech culture blog is techyum. I am not in porn. There's a Violet Blue Wikipedia page (but you'll learn more about me here). I am: violet at tinynibbles dot com.
Tasha Bob
Tasha Bob birthed VP back in September of 2001 because she thought there ought to be a safe space for women (and their associates) to talk about vag-related stuff. Aside from VP work, her current jobs involve teaching, finishing her PhD in comparative literature (with a minor in women's studies) and volunteering as a rape crisis counselor. She believes firmly that by being an active participant in VP, you're taking part in a revolutionary and life-changing project. Additional interests include video games, comic books, Japanese animation, veganism, DIY endeavors and also zombies.
Jonathan Coopersmith
Academic employment: Texas A&M University (Associate Professor 1995+; Assistant Professor 1988-95), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Visiting Assistant Professor summer 1987). Education: Oxford University (D.Phil., Department of Modern History 1985), Princeton University (A.B., History and Philosophy of Science Program 1978).
David Dempsey
David Dempsey is an ADDled informationmaniac who has replaced his mostly dysfunctional long-term memory with the web and small electronic thingies. After several years of multimedia production including a few disastrous but thrilling experiences in the realm of web video production during the dot-com boom, he has found a happy and comfortable existence as a media monkey for an Austrian radio station. Despite massive incomprehension of any concepts that can be described using the terms modern, post modern, or mildly clever, he delivers a daily column following interesting web links, moderates several radio shows and is occasionally paid for providing commentary on the frequently brutal stupidity of his native country.
1990: Acceptance into the Academy of Applied Arts Vienna, Visual Media
1992: Expulsion from the Academy of Applied Arts Vienna, Visual Media Design.
1993-1999: Freelance work as Cameraman, Graphic and Multimedia Designer
(Print, Web, UI and Video Postproduction)
1993-2007: Freelance technical consultant for media production
2000: Production design, motion design, and technical consulting for webfreetv.com.
Webdesign and motion graphics for the Auslaender Raus project by Christoph
2000-2001: Creative Director and technical consultant for Framfab Austria.
2001-: Freelance moderator, photographer and music/tech journalist for ORF,
TV1, and various other projects.
Mark Dery
Mark Dery is a cultural critic. He is the author of Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century (1996) and The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium: American Culture on the Brink (1999). His seminal essay, "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of Signs" popularized the guerrilla media activism known as "culture jamming"; widely republished on the Web, "Culture Jamming" remains the definitive theorization of this subcultural phenomenon. In Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture (1993), an academic anthology he edited, Dery coined the term "Afrofuturism" and kick-started the academic interest in black technoculture in specific and cyberstudies in general.
A professor of media criticism and literary journalism in New York University's Department of Journalism, Dery is at work on Paradise Lust, a book about the culture war, on the Web, between sexual revolutionaries and the morality police. He blogs at www.markdery.com.
Thomas Edlinger
Thomas Edlinger lives and works in Vienna/Austria. Radio journalist (FM4 - “Im Sumpf”), freelance author and curator. Some co-curated projects: Just do it. The Subversion of Signs from Marcel Duchamp to Prada Meinhof (Linz 2005); Video as Urban Condition (Linz 2007); Bodypoliticx. But is it porn? (Rotterdam, September 2007).
Johannes Grenzfurthner
Grenzfurthner is writer, artist, director, and DIY researcher. He founded
monochrom in 1993.
He holds a professorship for art theory and art practice at the University
of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria.
Johannes published numerous books, essays, and articles on contemporary
art, activism, technology, science, and philosophy. Recurring topics in
his work are: technology misappropriation, media theory, viral resistance,
radical postmodernism, popular culture studies, science fiction, and debate
about copyright.
He curates Arse Elektronika.
Tina Lorenz
Tina Lorenz is a long-time member of the Chaos Computer Club, focussing on the impact of technology on society. She also studies theater-, film- and media research in Vienna and Munich. She writes her master's thesis about pornographic film.
Stefan Lutschinger
Stefan Lutschinger (born 1969)
is Vienna-based philosopher, artist, writer and curator. He was educated
at Vienna and London universities. During the early-1990s, he worked as
digital designer.
He helped to set up pioneering ‘multimedia producer’ courses
for SAE Technology College in 1995/1996 and lectured at the University of
Applied Arts Vienna in 1996/1997.
In the late-1990s and early-2000s Stefan was involved in some different
Internet Start-Up’s and founded the Digital Drafts Project in 1998.
He received the State Award ‘Prix Multimedia Austria’ in the
category ‘Public Information Resources’ in 1999. In 2003 he
was granted a research internship at the School of Advanced Study/University
of London.
In 2004, Stefan was one of the founders and curators of the Viennese VJ-collective
Equaleyes and organizer of numerous symposia on digital visual arts and
net culture. He also contributes to exhibitions and art fairs sparely, but
Between 2005-2006, he coordinated the adoption of NetzNetz, a system for
the distribution of municipal grants for net art and net culture in which
the participants distribute their own funding according to certain democratically
agreed-upon rules.
For the last year, Stefan associated with 0>port, a most nerdy gallery
for portable media, located in MuseumsQuartier Wien. At present, he is preparing
a collection of three essays on aesthetics for publication as a book.
Stefan is linked with various artist cooperatives and serves as a board
member of the Austrian Society for Phenomenology and Critical Anthropology.
Kyle Machulis
Kyle Machulis is known as a tinkerer/hacker/pioneer/visionary/deity in the realm of sex technology (or at least, a ton of bloggers seem to think so). Through his Slashdong webpage, he uses the topic of teledildonics (remotely actuated sexual experience) to teach the basic concepts of electrical and mechanical engineering. He also tracks the convergence of sex and technological advances in toys and interaction. An (accidental) expert in the field of sex in Video Games, he is on the leadership council of the IGDA Sex In Games Special Interest Group, a gathering of game developers, academics, and players interested in discussing the role of sex in interactive entertainment. His MMOrgy Project keeps the community updated on the intimate happenings of the Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming world, where emergent sex (intimate encounters not originally planned as part of the game/world by developers) has become a hot topic and oft-seen event.
Eon McKai
Eon McKai is an American director of alt porn-themed adult films. Kai was involved in the internet-based alt porn scene soon after its emergence and photographed some of the early sets on SuicideGirls. After graduating from film school at California Institute of the Arts, he decided to wanted to go into directing pornography and introduced himself to adult film director Veronica Hart. Hart put him in touch with the adult video company VCA, who signed him as a director in 2004. In 2006, after producing several features for VCA, McKai was signed by Vivid to head a new imprint of theirs called VividAlt.
Aaron Muszalski
Aaron Muszalski is a professional visual effects artist and educator with over twenty years of experience. A veteran of George Lucas' Academy Award-winning visual effects facility, Industrial Light + Magic, he has worked on such films as Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Sleepy Hollow, Galaxy Quest, The Mummy Returns and Star Wars: Attack of The Clones. As a Visual Effects Supervisor he has overseen shots on The Last Mimzy, Grindhouse and Synecdoche, New York. He teaches visual effects at the San Francisco Academy of Art University and is a regular contributor to the art and culture blog, Laughing Squid. A passionate futurist, he frequently consults with companies on visual effects, media and technology.
Jocey Neveaux
Jocey Neveaux is a feminist, a bookworm, and believer in progress through education. She is delighted to have the opportunity to further that progress by working with her fellow VP members to broaden other women's access to helpful and accurate information about their bodies and their health.
Annalee Newitz
Annalee Newitz is a writer who covers the collisions between technology and media, culture and science. She is a contributing editor at Wired, editor of indie magazine other, and writes the nationally-syndicated column Techsploitation. You can also find her writing in Popular Science, New Scientist, and The Believer. She is the author of "Pretend We're Dead," a political analysis of monster movies, and co-editor of "She's Such a Geek," a collection of essays about female nerds. She's also President of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.
Carol Queen
Carol Queen, Ph.D. curates the antique vibrator museum at Good Vibrations,
where she also serves as Staff Sexologist and Chief Cultural Officer. She
is the founding director of the Center for Sex & Culture, a sex education,
library, archive, and cultural center in San Francisco. She has written
three books (Exhibitionism for the Shy, Real Live Nude Girl, and Firecracker
Alternative Book Award winner The Leather Daddy and the Femme) and edited
(or co-edited) eight collections of erotica and personal essays, including
the Lambda Literary Award-winning PoMoSexuals. She's a frequent commentator
on television and in documentary films about sex, and has appeared in several
sex ed videos, including explicit cult classic Bend Over Boyfriend: a Couple's
Guide to Male Anal Pleasure. She uses her
academic perspective as a sociologist and cultural sexologist to view contemporary
and historical society and understand the roles sexuality plays and has
Please visit her: www.carolqueen.com, www.goodvibes.com, www.sexandculture.org, www.carolqueenblog.com.
Thomas Roche
Thomas Roche is a writer of fiction -- particularly erotic fiction, crime
and speculative fiction -- and nonfiction -- particularly interviews and
commentary on erotic expression and other aspects of human sexuality. His
more than 400 professionally published short stories have appeared in a
wide variety of magazines, anthologies and websites; 2008 will mark his
fourth inclusion in Susie Bright's Best American Erotica series. He has
been a staff educator for nearly a decade with the nonprofit educational
service San Francisco Sex Information (www.sfsi.org), and is currently the
Managing Editor of Eros Zine (www.eros-zine.com).
His previous work has included staff writing positions at http://www.gettingit.com,
http://www.gothic.net.com, http://www.libida.com, http://www.13thstreet.com,
and http://www.goodvibes.com; he served as Marketing Manager of Good Vibrations
from 2001-2004.
He is the author or editor of eleven published books and coordinates the
San Francisco edition of the international burlesque figure drawing salon,
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School (www.drsketchy.com). His homepage is http://www.skidroche.com.
Autumn Tyr-Salvia
Autumn Tyr-Salvia (the newest member of the VP Team, and a San Francisco local) is not so good with labels, but she sometimes fits into these boxes: prankster, artist, student, friend, genderqueer, photographer, Discordian, feminist, pansexual, ritualist, polyamorist, cook, daydreamer, tea-lover, cat-lover, extrovert. She likes to talk, to help, to sing along. She has a really hard time not joining in on conversations, which is why you'll see her comment in VP a whole lot.
Katie Vann
Katie Vann is a social theorist and organizational ethnographer currently
working with the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social
Sciences in Amsterdam. Her research questions the cultural and institutional
technologies that underpin neo-liberal sociality and political-economic
orders. She has addressed such questions in the fields of high-tech labour
organization, and is currently addressing them in the field of water resources
management. Katie has a PhD in Communication and Media Studies from the
University of California, San Diego, and also holds degrees in Interdisciplinary
Social Science and Philosophy. Currently she is also a visiting Senior Research
Fellow with the Center for Science, Technology and Society at Santa Clara
VP Team
The VP Team is composed of eleven feminist sex-geeks who span the United States and Canada. Several team members will present.
Rose White
Rose White is a sociology PhD student at Graduate CenterCUNY, in Manhattan, but lives in Brooklyn because that's where all the action is. Her doctoral work is on how bright people break rules (in other words, deviance and technology!)—tell her what you want studied and maybe she'll get on that. In 1997 she had a story anthologized in Best American Erotica, which means it's about time for her to write some new porn.
Amanda Williams
I'm a PhD Candidate at UC Irvine's Donald Bren School of Information and
Computer Sciences and a member of the Lab for Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction.
My research interests include urban computing, mobility, tangible user interfaces,
soft, fluffy or squishy interfaces, computer mediated communication, intimacy,
teledildonics, and how Irvine got to be such a bizarre planned community.
I am currently doing ethnographic field work and system design in Bangkok.
My latest celebrity crush is Benjamin Franklin, though for quite a while
it was Miss Piggy. If this whole computer thing doesn't work out, I'll likely
spend my time snowboarding and running a pi(e) shop.
Katherina Zakravsky
Katherina Zakravsky, cultural theorist, performance artist, dramatic adviser
based in Vienna; 1999 a thesis on Immanuel Kant’s theory of the university,
2001/2; researcher for theory at the Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht (NL),
several teaching jobs in art and music academies, the institute for philosophy.
Since 1995 teaching philosophy, science fiction studies and multimedia theory
at several institutions in Austria. Several publications on political theory
and cultural studies, such as “Holy, Garments” (on fetishism
and fashion) 1994, “Crossworldnaturalisation” (Querwelteinbürgerung)
1998, in: “Achtung vor Anthropologie”and “Re-Membering
Le Sacre”, in: Krassimira Kruschkova, Nele Lipp (Ed.): Tanz anderswo:
intra- und interkulturell, Jahrbuch Tanzforschung, Bd. 14, “I Do.
Some Considerations on Performativity and Agency”, in: Martina Hochmuth,
Krassimira Kruschkova, Georg Schöllhammer (Eds.) “It takes place
when it doesn’t”. On Dance and Performance Since 1989, Frankfurt:
Revolver 2006. Research on science fiction cinema since 1994 (Star Trek,
X Files, Blade Runner etc.), most recently the as yet unpublished lecture
“'... what I have seen with your eyes', On the mythology of the gaze
in Ridley Scott’s 'Blade Runner'”, IFK and Akademie der Bildenden
Künste, Vienna 2006.
Several video and solo performances, such as “Director’s Cut”,
Faun-Montages (1999-2004) and “A Piece Keeping Force” (2004-6).
Since 2003 collaboration with Chris Haring and “liquid loft”
as author, dramatic adviser and performer (2003 Fremdkörper, based
on motives from “Blade Runner”; 2007 “The Art of Seduction”,
winner of the Golden Lion of the Venice Biennale).