Arse Elektronika San Francisco 2013
Talks, performances, workshops, movies |
PRIXXX ARSE ELEKTRONIKA: An unobjectionable award for sex machines, orgasmotrons and teledildonics
Thursday, October 3, 2013 / doors open 8:30,
show starts at 9:00 PM
Location: Chez Poulet (3359 Cesar Chavez St (between Van Ness Ave & Mission St; San Francisco, CA 94110
Neighborhood: Bernal Heights)
A gala hosted by monochrom's Johannes Grenzfurthner
Featuring many guests stars! Micah Elizabeth Scott, Christophe Pettus, Adam Flynn (and his new research project), the heroes and heroines of RE/Search... and surprises? Hmmm!
Our gala will be a dignified occasion -- and so we invite you to dress up properly. Surprise us with NSA outfits! NSA outfits? The goddamn NSA? Well, almost!
The National Sex Agency (NSA) is the central producer and manager of filthy intelligence for the USA. Estimated to be one of the most perverted organizations in terms of personnel and objectives, the NSA operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Dildonics and reports to the Director of Analigence. The NSA is primarily tasked with global monitoring, collection, decoding, translation and analysis of smut data for fornication (Project ZOMG) and counterfornication (Area WTF) purposes. The agency is authorized to accomplish its mission through clandestine means, among which is buggering electronic systems and allegedly engaging in sabotage through intercourse.
Dress up and maybe win a "Golden Kleene" yourself!
SCREW THE SYSTEM: Explorations of Spaces, Games and Politics through Sexuality and Technology The new Arse Elektronika Anthology!
Our new reader features: Jaakko Stenros, Paolo Pedercini, Rosalynn Rothstein, Adam Rothstein, Jack Sargeant, Anna Anthropy, Heather Kelley, Lindsay Grace, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Maggie Mayhem, Ned Mayhem, Marco Maiocchi, Margherita Pillan, Marko Radeta, Pietro Righi Riva, Samuel Coniglio, Katherine Becvar, Daniel Fabry, Nadja Sayej, Günther Friesinger, Thomas Ballhausen, Philip Freeman, Jonathan Mann, Rich Gibson, Maymay!
Published by RE/Search and monochrom
Friday, October 4, 2013
Doors open at
6:00 PM
Event starts at 7:00 PM
Location: Center for Sex and Culture (1349 Mission btw 9th and 10th, San Franciso)
19 Years in the Porn Mines
Keynote by Christophe Pettus.
7 PM
Facial Weaponization Communiqué: Fag Face
Video by Zach Blas; USA 2013; 8 Minutes.
7:45 PM
Nerding out about the things people do with their okcupid profiles
Ongoing research by Adam Flynn, who gives a brief intro.
8:00 PM
Short break
The Mystery Box Show
A storytelling show.
8:30 PM
The National Anthem
First episode of TV series "Black Mirror"; UK 2012; 60 Minutes.
9:40 PM
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Doors open at 11:30 AM
Event starts at 12:30 PM
Location: Center for Sex and Culture (1349 Mission btw 9th and 10th, San Franciso)
NymRights: an exploration of names, both online and offline
By aestetix.
12:30 PM MP3
Sex-Positive Startup Stories or: Phase 1: Sex / Phase 2: ? / Phase 3: Profit
By Kristen Stubbs.
1:30 PM
Advertising For Sex Outlaws
By Maggie Mayhem.
2:15 PM MP3
Short break
Why Machines Matter: On the Diversity of Cyborg Sexuality
By Dr. X.Treme.
3:15 PM MP3
Drones and the Gaze: technological scopophilia
By Adam Rothstein and Megan Rothstein.
4:15 PM MP3
Future of Fornication: Open Love in the Open Generation
By Lex Pelger.
5:15 PM MP3
Short break (and ordering of food for dinner break)
Fuckin's State of the Fuckin' Art
A conversation between Kyle Machulis and Johannes Grenzfurthner.
6:15 PM MP3
Gangbang or Vanilla Sex on Mars?
By Catharina Cronenberger Golebiowska and Nathan James Bather.
7:15 PM
Digital Dildo Crafting in the Jungle
By Rex Johnson.
8:00 PM MP3
A bit longer break (the food we ordered should already be here! Right on time for movie night!)
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Starts at 9:15 PM
At Center for Sex and Culture (1349 Mission btw 9th and 10th, San Franciso)
Search: "How to Draw a Woman" - Male Perspectives from YouTube Result Pages 1-50
Video by Charmaine Ortiz, USA 2013; 10 Minutes.
Starts 9:15
Cherry 2000
Directed by Steve De Jarnatt; produced by Edward R. Pressman, Caldecot Chubb; written by Lloyd Fonvielle, Michael Almereyda; USA 1987.
Starts 9:30 PM
Workshops, conference and unconference
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Doors open at 12 AM
Talks and workshops start 1 PM
Location: Noisebridge (2169 Mission Street, San Francisco)
Practical privacy for online expression of identitiy
By Rich Gibson and Christie Dudley.
1 PM
David Fine's Penis Idea
By David Fine.
2:15 PM
"Self Love and Identity": Masturbation, Queers, Mixed or Missed Identities
By Tal and Omer Golan.
3:00 PM
Short break
Making a Vibrator That Listens to Your Body
By Micah Elizabeth Scott.
4:00 PM
There is no/a sexual report: Entity, identity and the construction of a relational San Francisco
By Jos Diegel feat. Lisa Schröter
4:45 PM
Preventing Rape with Online Identity Security: Using sexual harassment reporting software based on information escrow as a case study for the complexities of safety, privacy, identity, and anonymity on the internet.
By Ned Mayhem.
5:30 PM
Short break
Sex, Lies and Porn on USB
A conversation between Yoshi Obayashi and Johannes Grenzfurthner.
6:30 PM
Nerding out about the things people do with their okcupid profiles
Adam Flynn presents a wrap-up of his interview project.
7:30 PM
Closing Remarks
By Johannes Grenzfurthner
8:00 PM