the monochrom history of everything - archived project
A Micro Graphic Novel Project
One day in Autumn of 2004 I found a heap of old cardboard boxes and other discarded packaging material in my grandfather's shed. Among it was a box for a chainsaw. On the back of it there was this peculiar sequence of drawings in black and white. I looked at it for a while but to be honest, I couldn't make any sense of it. Commissioned art printed on the back of the box for chainsaws, only to be discarded, never to be seen by anyone else again. And there I was, looking at these pictures on a cold day in October. The pictures began to whisper to me. Little tales of love and sorrow, hate and terror, big ideas and small hopes. Man creates universes, first with his thoughts, then with with his words.
That is why this very webpage exists. I want to fill this hollow space of empty pictorials with your words, the words of the graphic novel. Help me bring the stories in the drawing come to life, there's a hell of a lot of them in there. Now, you write one, too. // Yours, Johannes (monochrom)
Write your own story.

Read the stories submitted so far

Jörg Vogeltanz submitted an awesome graphic adapation of the sequence:
"Divida et Impera" (German language version)
"Divida et Impera" (English language version)

Thomas Thurner submitted the first sound adaptation! Wonderful!
Audio Link (Save): 24 kbps
Audio Link (Save): 48 kbps
Audio Link (Stream): 24 kbps
Audio Link (Stream): 48 kbps
