
Arse Elektronika 2009
Talk, Workshop and Performance abstracts |
Installation @ Roxie Theater (Oct 1, 6 PM-midnight)
Cinema Botanica: Pornography for Plants
Produced by Jonathon Keats
Every day, all day long, we're awash in entertainment. Yet, while humans have reached saturation, other species have scarcely been approached as potential audiences. In particular, plants have been neglected despite attractive demographics, including a worldwide population many orders of magnitude greater than homo sapiens. Cinema Botanica caters to trees and bushes and brambles, by providing video to suit their tastes and desires. Premiering in San Francisco at the Roxie Theater on the opening night of Arse Elektronika, Cinema Botanica takes as its premise the natural allure of sex, the one subject certain to interest any species. Specifically, Cinema Botanica delivers pornography to the plant kingdom, screening explicit scenes of floral pollination by honeybees. Because photosynthetic plants are sensitive to light but do not have the complex eyes of humans, Cinema Botanica depends on specialized filmic techniques. The movie is shot entirely in light-and-shadow, and is projected directly onto the foliage with no sound. While botanical movie theaters in the future will undoubtedly go multiplex, the screening at the Roxie will be quite modest: A digital projector streaming an endless loop of botanical smut onto the branches of half a dozen potted houseplants. People will be able to see the video flickering on the plants' leaves, but of course their experience of the film will be second-hand: Cinema Botanica is presented for the titillation of plants.
Jonathon Keats is a conceptual artist and writer. His exhibitions at venues including the Berkeley Art Museum and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts have been documented by the BBC and PBS. He is represented by Modernism Gallery in San Francisco.
Film Festival @ Roxie Theater (Oct 1, 6 PM-9:30 PM)
To be announced
Talks @ Center for Sex and Culture (Oct 2, 8 PM)
Atomic Porn: What is the smallest particle of erotica?
By Jason Scott
In my presentation, I will show historical examples of low-bandwidth pornography, ranging from 8bit (and 2-bit) drawings, teletype porn, and beyond, including previous centuries' attempts at steganographic buying of untoward/erotic information. The larger question I will address is that of what, wired in our brains, considers erotica so important, and why we work so hard to acquire it, and the lengths we go in technology to bring it to light.
Dating Yog-Sothoth and Fucking a Zombie
By Johannes Grenzfurthner
Bizarre Sci-Fi and Fantasy in Graphic Novels. No spoilers.
By Elle Mehrmand and Micha Cárdenas
“The partners do not precede their relating: all that is, is the fruit of becoming with.” (Donna Haraway, When Species Meet)
For Arse Elektronika 2009, we, Elle Mehrmand and Micha Cárdenas propose to do a live mixed reality performance entitled Technésexual. In the performance, we will commit playful erotic acts, while wearing touch sensors and biometric sensors including heart rate monitors and galvanic skin response sensors. The sensor data will be processed through a Freeduino and Puredata to produce live audio, which translates the movement of our bodies in relation to each other. This audio will be sent back into Second Life and also create a visual change to correspond to the sensor data, to link their physical bodies to their virtual avatars. The Second Life avatars will be projected into the physical space of the performance. Live video will be streamed into Second Life from small cameras mounted on our bodies, allowing us to document each other's body movements. The live video feed in Second Life will be seen by the audience in Second Life and the physical audience will see the audience in Second Life, creating a window between the physical and virtual performance locations.
Through these gestures, we will create a mixing and blurring of the two realities, paralleling our own queer mixing of genders and sexualities. Technésexual is a part of “mixed relations”, a collaboration consisting of a series of performances that explore the relations between bodies and technology within mixed realities. The performances focus on using the body as an instrument and as a site of
exploration for performance in mixed realities. The goal is to look at bodies in relation to each other in these realities, as well as in relation to their instruments and to the technologies which extend and multiply them, sonically, visually and physically. The performances will explore themes of affective tension and anticipation, techno-fetishism, and D.I.Y. cyborg bodies. Our main inspirations come from the history and traditions of performance art, such as Marina Abramovic and Ulay, Stelarc and Orlan, so we see art concerned primarily with
bodies in relation, and the body and technology as the main works we are in conversation with. Virtual worlds such as Second Life are facilitating the development of new sexualities and genders, which – as of yet – allow for unimagined relations and relationships. Through the use of mixed reality technologies in performance, mixed relations seeks to look closely at these new relationships and how they affect our everyday lives and our horizons of possibility.
Talks @ PariSoMa (Oct 3, 11:30 AM-9 PM)
Sex Without Meat: How Singularitarians View Sex
By R. U. Sirius
How do transhumanist and singularitarians view sex. In the current fall 2009 edition of h+ magazine, R.U. Sirius asked this probing question of various activists in the radical futurist community, including Ray Kurzweil, Natasha-Vita More, and Michael Anissimov. Sirius will explore the answers he received and talk about the possibilities of disembodied sexuality, multi-embodied sexuality, super-sex among superhumans, and/or no sex among posthumans.
Will You Still Love Me Like This In The Year 2300?
By Annalee Newitz
We all know the future of sex involves robots and teledildonics, but what will love be like in centuries to come? Will sex still be romantic? How will people form intimate relationships and families? I'll discuss three futurist scenarios for romantic love, based on current trends.
Annalee Newitz writes about science and science fiction. She is the editor-in-chief of io9.com, the author of Pretend We're Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture, and the co-editor of She's Such a Geek. She's contributed to Wired, New Scientist, and the Washington Post. Formerly, she was a policy analyst at EFF and the weirdo behind the syndicated column Techsploitation.
The (Un)crossed Boundary - Science Fiction and Cross-Species Sexuality
By Douglas Spink
In modern science fiction stories, we often see the question of machine sexuality present itself as the "future frontier" of human sexual diversity - transhumanism via man/machine interface. However, the science fiction - as a literary genre and cultural force - has explored the other key dimension in understanding the boundaries and borders of sexual intimacy in the living world: cross-species sexuality.
I review the science fiction literature of the past century, highlighting the relatively rare cases where stories directly address the places where human and "Other" bond physically. These stories are of a qualitatively different energy than those of human/machine sexuality - the culturally explosive terrain of the "species barrier" is largely uncrossed. True to form, however, science fiction does explore this terrain, the un-crossed boundary, and the ways in which the masters of the genre have asked - and answered - the question of cross-species intimacy are surprisingly relevant to more recent explorations of machine/human sexual resonance.
At core, those science fiction masters who have braved the cross-species sexuality terrain - Stapledon, Banks, Jose Farmer, Brin, Sterling, to highlight - discover that cross-species intimacy has different lessons to teach (in a fictional setting) than does the conceptualization of a sexualized, machine-based Other. Indeed, by recognizing the challenging, philosophically unsettled, and yet deeply and historically human predilection for expanding sexual bonding past the range of the "strictly human" these authors provided early glimpses of the increasingly important role that questions of cross-species sexuality, cross-species empathy, and co-evolutionary relationships in general play in modern efforts to place humanity more effectively in an interconnected living world - not a thing apart from life, outside it, different.
How do non-biological systems relate to us, as sexual mammals, when they don't come from our evolutionary reproductive roots? These fascinating cultural terrain, and it begs for illumination via parallel analysis of sexuality across (arbitrary) species definition. Indeed, the more we understand sexuality, for the human mammal, as embodiment of the ability to empathetically connect with the Other - whatever the flavor of Other - the more we see that these questions all orbit the same core truth: to expand ourselves, we grow roots into the very heart of the Other. That tectonic, unceasing expansion is perhaps the one thing that sets humanity apart from our sentient non-human peers.
Douglas Spink serves as Chief Technology Officer for Baneki Privacy Computing (baneki.com), a leading provider of anti-censorship, anti-surveillance, and privacy services globally. As founder and managing partner of Exitpoint Stallions (stallions.net), he has trained, managed, ridden, and promoted several internationally successful showjumping stallions, and has written extensively on topics relating to respectful, empathetic cross-species relationships - both in the professional context of showjumping, and more broadly. He holds a BA from Reed College, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and is currently on hiatus from his doctoral program in complex systems mathematics with Portland State University. He lives "off grid" in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest with his family of dogs and a small bachelor herd of stallions, and is not as scary as his reputation suggests - honest. He twitters @drfausty, on an eclectic range of subjects.
Designing the Future of Sex
By Eleanor Saitta
To fictionalize a body in literature is the act of an author. However, to fictionalize a body in reality is the act of a designer -- fictionalization, if it is to have any mass effect, must be if not commodified then at least made available on a larger scale. The most basic species of sexual technology are relatively well-trodden -- an IP connected dildo is, in the end, boring -- fun to use, and certainly not an exhausted category, but theoretically less interesting. To that end, let's explore some new territory, ask a few questions, and answer them in the medium of design fiction.
Sexual Etiquette and Law in the Age of the Panopticon
By Reesa Brown
As the "eyes from above" grow ever more ubiquitous, we anticipate polarization and public debate in political attitudes over the issues of legislating sexual activity, especially those connected with the internet. Changes in laws lag behind changes in social behavior shifts, and codification of social etiquette lags behind both. Given this, what sort of shifts will we see from a social and legislative perspective, as the rise in accessibility and openness of sexual information that current and future technologies will provide is accompanied by an increase in ability of those in positions of authority to monitor and regulate such activities? This paper explores a sampling of articles referencing what shifts we are already witnessing, and what we might expect in future trends, in sex-tech legislation and in societal attitudes toward people engaging in recorded "public" displays of sexual activity. For example, currently many in the working sector are concerned over employers using information gleaned from social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook to fire or otherwise penalize their employees. Photographic evidence of behavior among consenting adults is currently grounds for all manner of legislative and social peril. Technology already in use by law enforcement agents, such as heat-image scanning tools, can easily be used to collect evidence against sexual activity within private homes.
Not every examination brings dystopic results. We've seen a shift in the last generation in the mainstream acceptance of minor body modifications such as body piercings or tattoos; one study determines one third of the workforce age 16-55 will now admit to having one or more tattoos. We are already seeing among many employers a relaxation of formerly prohibitive rules on visible piercings and tattoos. Perhaps our future will bring a similar shift as more and more people are posting naked pictures or their home-made sex videos for the internet viewing public.
Polyamory + Technology = Sexual and Romantic Abundance
By Kim De Vries and Pepper Mint
Discussions of sex and technology often center on innovations in sex toys, or special effects in porn, but technology plays a far greater role than that. Technology increasingly facilitates social connections in general, and romantic or sexual connections in particular. A group that arguably has been among the most enabled by technology are those practicing polyamory. This panel explores how various technologies enhance and empower polyamorous relationships, and considers how polyamory may be in turn shaped by the use of technology. Among the platforms considered are online calendars, social networking sites, chat clients, microblogs and blogs, and also less obvious technologies like matching algorithms for speed-dating and dating websites.
The approach combines both theory and lived experience, as the speakers adopt the double vision of both participant and observer in the world of polyamory.
Biometrics in the Bedroom
By Kyle Machulis
Most sex technology today, be it vibrators or the latest and greatest in teledildonics, relies on some sort of non-ergonomic interface for control; a knob you have to turn, a button to press, etc... With the advent of affordable consumer level biometrics hardware, we can now tap into the essence of what makes us tick and use that for our interface. This new technology brings many interesting questions with it: What will this hardware give us? How can we make sensors look sexy? How can we play with the data without depersonalizing the situation completely?
Shakti Lila: Hacking Tantra
By Monika Kribusz
Some changes in the body are measurable, many others are not. In this project for Arse Elektronika Monika concentrates on those depictable parameters. Using a thermal imaging camera a tantric union will be captured. All the unusual positions during a ritual union, which require a large amount of body suppleness and an intense practice of yoga, are recorded. The bodies, the sexuality are painted in the shifting color of the thermal imaging camera, and another reality is made visible. Because there are no measuring instruments for the metaphysics of the psyche, we measure the physical reactions. The temperature of different parts of the body changes as a natural reaction during the 3 hour-union. Also the ritualistic part of the tantric union is recorded. In the lecture Monika Kribusz will explain the meaning of some metaphoric gestures during the ritual, also their influence of the subconscious part of the psyche. She will also speak about the function of the endocrine system, the hormone system of the human body, and the effect on the expanding of the consciousness. Polyamory, gender, criticism of male dominated spirituality are also guide lines of her lecture.
Shakti lila is Sanskrit for "the game of creating and manifesting the whole universe." In tantric philosophy it is made by the universal energy which, in tantrism, is the feminine active and creating part of the universe: Shakti.
Saturday Night Performances @ Femina Potens Gallery (Oct 3, 10 PM)
Jonathan Mann and the Rock Cookie Bottoms
Jonathan Mann and the Rock Cookie Bottoms are a six piece from Berkeley and Oakland. Whimsical, upbeat, and catchy as hell,
you'll be humming their songs for days (whether you want to or not). For their Arse Electronika appearance, expect to hear lots
of songs about robots, sex and Star Trek, and expect to see more than a small amount of nudity. Rock!
By Rainer Prohaska
Under the title "FUCK #XXX" artist Rainer Prohaska creates sculptures, pictures and videos with pornographic content.
"FUCK #1" is the first group of objects - household appliances and tools, that were re-designed and now function as masturbation/stimulation devices. These objects form a sculpture park, which offers suggestions for imitations and also for advancements of such devices. In connection with "FUCK #1" Prohaska additionally plans to form a DIY Porn Tools Community.
For Arse Elektronika 2009, Prohaska plans to show and demonstrate the sculptures.
Workshops @ Noisebridge (Oct 4, 12 noon-10 PM)
How to build a Joydick: Sex device and game control?
By Noah Weinstein and Randy Sarafan
The Joydick is a wearable haptic device for controlling video gameplay based on realtime male masturbation. Through the use of a carefully designed strap-on interface, the user's penis is converted into a joystick capable of moving the character onscreen in all four cardinal directions. For games requiring the fire button, a separate ring can be worn which converts hand-strokes into button presses.
Full details of the project can be seen at http://projects.sfmedialabs.com/.
FUCK #XXX: Re-designed household appliances as sex toys
By Rainer Prohaska
Under the title "FUCK #XXX" artist Rainer Prohaska creates sculptures, pictures and videos with pornographic content. In the context of "FUCK #XXX", "FUCK #1" is the first group of objects - household appliances and tools, which are being re-designed into masturbation- and stimulant-devices. These objects form a sculpture park, which offers suggestions for imitations and also for advancements of such devices. In connection with "FUCK #1" Prohaska additionally plans to form a DIY Porn Tools Community.
For the symposium of Arse Elektronika 2009, sculptures of this series will be exhibited.
Direct Electrical Stimulation for Sexual Purposes: A Survey
By Uncle Abdul
Electrical stimulation has been used for sexual gratification purposes for well over a century. This has been done through numerous devices and using electrodes in many different configurations on the body externally and internally. This survey paper not only will briefly review the history of the practice, but also look at its physical, physiological, and psychological aspects. It will also explore what may be its potential dangers, who uses it, the devices employed, and its efficacy. Electrical play or E-Stim, as it is sometimes called, is a safe and satisfying form of sexual gratification that is easily adapted (as it has already been) to many different remote, automated, computer-controlled, and internet-controlled modalities.
Steampunk Vibrator: DIY?
By Ani Niow
According to Boing Boing, this device divided the internet by zero. Gizmodo said it could scald your privates. io9 rejoiced on behalf of steam fetishes everywhere. Violet Blue wanted people to stop fucking sending links to her about it and Hack A Day simply called it what it was, a steampunk vibrator. Utilising the world's smallest Tesla Turbine, the 2.5lb hand made solid stainless steel SteamVibe virally made it's way around the internets earlier in 2009 as well as IRL appearances at the Femina Potens Gallery and the Maker Faire. In this workshop you'll see the why, the how and the WTF of the SteamVibe, exclusively at Arse Elektronika.
Browser based telemetry of gential haptic devices
By Allen Stein
Welcome to the First Church of Appliantology. Allen Stein hates the word teledildonics and thinks it’s tacky. He would rather say “browser based telemetry of gential haptic devices.” He resents the fact that he is a well known teledildonist. It’s even hard to say.
Regardless… in his Arse Elektronika 2009 presenstation he will take you on a trip through nearly a decade in commercial teledildonics and the adult industry. Learn a bit of history on how humans relate and interact sexually with machines. Demo some of the latest in sexual technologies and talk about its commercial uses. Explore some emerging markets incorporating biometrics.
Allen would appreciate it if we could come up with a new name for teledildonics. For his mother’s sake.
Shakti Lila: Hacking Tantra
By Monika Kribusz
Some changes in the body are measurable, many others are not. In this project for Arse Elektronika Monika concentrates on those depictable parameters. Using a thermal imaging camera a tantric union will be captured. All the unusual positions during a ritual union, which require a large amount of body suppleness and an intense practice of yoga, are recorded. The bodies, the sexuality are painted in the shifting color of the thermal imaging camera, and another reality is made visible. Because there are no measuring instruments for the metaphysics of the psyche, we measure the physical reactions. The temperature of different parts of the body changes as a natural reaction during the 3 hour-union. Also the ritualistic part of the tantric union is recorded. In the lecture Monika Kribusz will explain the meaning of some metaphoric gestures during the ritual, also their influence of the subconscious part of the psyche. She will also speak about the function of the endocrine system, the hormone system of the human body, and the effect on the expanding of the consciousness. Polyamory, gender, criticism of male dominated spirituality are also guide lines of her lecture.
Shakti lila is Sanskrit for "the game of creating and manifesting the whole universe." In tantric philosophy it is made by the universal energy which, in tantrism, is the feminine active and creating part of the universe: Shakti.