Arse Elektronika is organized by monochrom.
Head of Conference: Johannes Grenzfurthner (jg AT monochrom.at)
Curatorial team: Johannes Grenzfurthner (jg AT monochrom.at), Günther Friesinger (gf AT monochrom.at), Christophe (xof) (xof AT blowfish.com)
Technical supervisor: Daniel Fabry (df AT monochrom.at)
Financial supervisor: Günther Friesinger (gf AT monochrom.at)
Corrections of all kinds: Evelyn Fürlinger (evelyn AT monochrom.at)
Web supervisor: Franz Ablinger (fra AT monochrom.at)
Graphic design: Tokyo Farm
Web design: Anika Kronberger (aka AT monochrom.at)
Ticketing: Christophe (xof) (xof AT blowfish.com)
Co-organizers: Christophe (xof), David Fine, Carol Queen, Violet Blue, Rose White, Kyle Machulis.
Press contact: Johannes Grenzfurthner (jg AT monochrom.at)
Many thanks to the supporters of Arse Elektronika 2009: Laughing Squid and Chaos Computer Club and Blowfish.