the monochrom history of everything - archived project
A Micro Graphic Novel Project
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By R. Brady
I always had dreams of existing in detail, what they used to call 'living color,' but dad says he can't afford it: 'You think money grows on trees?'
I'm so fuckin' tired of bein' a black and white hand-drawn meaningless graphic doin' the same old shit forever on a trash pile somewhere, nothin' but hands... I want to live in full color, go to forestry school, have a career...
You folks out there know what it's like, bein stuck in these four fuckin' boring panels without even a face?
"Face is pointless in a chainsaw graphic," they go. Whiners. Well fuck them. At least I got hands, and I'm gonna use 'em.
When I chainsaw my way outta here those fuckers an' the whole fuckin' rainbow world's goin' up in full-color fuckin' flames...
Can't wait till fuckin' panel five gets drawn...
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