the monochrom history of everything - archived project
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Chop your own wood and it warms you twice
By Paul F. Ganem
At a time in America when furnaces were non-existent, there was only one method for keeping the home fires burning -- wood. The fireboxes were not an infinite size. Therefore it is necessary to size the wood to a standard length in order to maximize the efficiency of the fireplace as well as your time. In days of yore, this mission would be tackled with an axe -- an inefficient method. Fortunately, man triumphs over nature by inventing the venerable chainsaw. These whirling, toothed labor-saving devices make the process of
Before chopping down the tree, remove as many branches as you can -- safely. Using a chainsaw in a horizontal position is the most effective.
Sizing the wood to just the right length means transporting to and use in a fireplace will be easier.
Letting a chainsaw operate on
After all of the work is done, you can kick back and relax in front of your fireplace. Remember, when you chop your own wood it warms you twice!
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