monochrom is partner of “Media Arts Cultures” joint master degree

The MediaAC master program answers the needs of the evolving fields related to the future and heritage of Media Arts Cultures. Our global digital world is filled with new media culture that encompasses the big questions of today such as the processes of globalisation, utopias of neuroscience, political repression, big data, and the growing world-wide surveillance. Thus, the analysis of media arts cultures is socially and culturally enlightening. The examination of evolving media art forms offers technological insights, which are vital to the next generation of software and hardware engineers, as well as to cultural practitioners. Media Arts have great potential for critical reflection and future innovation. They are especially vulnerable to decay as media evolution accelerates and require new methods of digital heritage preservation.

Mission: The MediaAC Consortium of four universities and influential global associated partners from the creative and cultural sector dedicate to grow a new generation of professionals based on the future needs of the field and grounded in rigorous academic training.

Danube University Krems (coordinating partner)
Aalborg University (full partner)
University of Lodz (full partner)
City University Hong Kong (full partner)
assocoated partners – Ars Electronica, DAM, FACT, Laboratory of Research in Art and Techno Science, monochrom, transmediale, ZKM.


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