Letter to USSR Minister of Defense on the Situation in Afghanistan, 13 August 1987

Letter to USSR Minister of Defense on the Situation in Afghanistan, 13 August 1987.
By Colonel K. Tsagolov

To Candidate Member of the Politburo of the CC CPSU
USSR Minister of Defense
Comrade Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov
Moscow, USSR Ministry of Defense

The Afghan problem continues to attract attention in the sphere of international affairs. It begins to cause a certain concern on the part of the Soviet people as well. This is precisely why I would like to present my view of the existing military-political situation in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, the perspectives of its development, and some proposals regarding strategy and tactics for the period of the forthcoming withdrawal of the Soviet limited military contingent. I am undertaking this motivated by my understanding of the complexity and urgency of the issue, with the feeling of my party and military-professional duty, regardless of the consequences that are awaiting me. Truth and honor for me are more valuable than personal comfort.


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