Kiki und Bubu @ “Future Pass” / 54ste Biennale di Venezi

Unsere Helden Kiki and Bubu sind Teil der Ausstellung “Future Pass – From Asia to the World” auf der 54. Kunst-Biennale in Venedig – la Biennale di Venezia. Our socked crusaders explore the connections between Michael Bay, the military-entertainment complex, Web 2.0 business cocktail parties, planned economies, Star Trek fandom, Sesame Street characters, Broadway musicals, … Read more

Kiki and Bubu @ “Future Pass” / 54th Biennale di Venezi

monochrom’s Kiki and Bubu are part of “Future Pass – From Asia to the World” at the 54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia. Our socked crusaders dissect how these seemingly disparate worlds intersect: from Michael Bay to the military-entertainment complex, through Web 2.0 business cocktail parties, planned economies, Star Trek fandom, Sesame … Read more

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