Let’s Play With The World: Games, Art, Activism and other subversions @ IndieCade 2012

Gehosted von Johannes Grenzfurthner/monochrom.

This panel invites five game designers who are also artists to discuss the boundary between art, games and activism. It is a standard reflex for people to think they are helpless in the face of mighty governments and corporate power. But in a media-based society, everything is controlled by a “cultural grammar of the public space”: the habits and conventions of society, our ways of speaking and thinking, the images and stereotypes which give short-cuts to meaning in our lives. That means that the power wielded by big institutions is more like a fluid or a jelly than a solid brick wall, and we can play with it. So let us – as game designers, game players, artists, activists and other fellow nerds – leave our cozy peer-groups and comfy scenes behind, and talk about what we can do to play with the world.”

TeilnehmerInnen: Nathalie Pozzi, Zach Gage, Kaho Abe, Paolo Pedercini.

Auf der IndieCade 2012 (6. Oktober 2012, 13:30) in Culver City, LA.

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