Johannes Grenzfurthner artist, director, writer, DIY researcher and
friend of the show, Joey Kurtzman, are our guests this week on Yoshi
Didn’t. Johannes founded Monochrom, an international art and theory
group dedicated to subversive art as “weapons of mass distribution.”
Johannes pulled off one of the most interesting pranks in the art world
at the Biennial Conference in Sao Paolo, Brazil by submitting a
fictitious artist, G.P. Thomann as a representative of Austria. The
prank went undetected by curators and journalists and inadvertently
helped save a Taiwanese artist’s representation at the conference when
the Chinese government became involved; consequently making headlines
news in China! Johannes’ stories cross many intellectual and artistic
realms as he discusses post modern liberalism, the future of sex with
robots at Arse Elektronika, how, exactly, he pranked a world art
conference and what it really means to subvert the subversive.

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