Hedonistika pulls together artists, researchers, chefs and scholars to create new works and experiences that unpack and think through some of the questions around the inseparability of food and technology, and the dominant structures of society, economy, and culture that it engenders. By setting up collaborative teams of artists and scholars with expertise in food and robotics, Hedonistika seeks to explore how hybrid skills and perspectives help destabilize assumptions and habits that are inherent to each practice area. By setting up this creative process between individuals from different locations and backgrounds, Hedonistika wants to be reflective of this mixed reality through both art and words, but to also explore the very nature of this complex entanglement of ideas and skills.
Round table with Johannes Grenzfurthner (moderator), Jane Tingley, Simon Laroche, David Szanto, Natalie Doonan, Ken Gregory, May 29, 10 a.m. at Phi Center.
Exhibition: from 23 May to 1 June at Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Partial sponsorship: https://wettenohneanmeldung.de/