monochroms Johannes Grenzfurthner @ Duncan/Channon Toast of the Tip

monochroms Johannes Grenzfurthner zu Gaste bei Duncan/Channon Toast of the Tip!

He’s an artist, writer, curator, director, professor, all-around instigator, and founder of Monochrom,
the notorious Viennese art/technology/philosophy powerhouse. His
projects have been featured in The New York Times, Der Spiegel, San Francisco Chronicle, CNN, Slashdot, Boing Boing, LA Times, NPR, Gizmodo, Wired. He (or his lookalike Comrade Chrusov) have been spotted at SXSW, TEDxVienna,
Maker Faire, Google’s Tech Talks, Ars Electronica, Mozilla Drumbeat
Barcelona and underground hacker conferences around the world.

From translating dense political philosophy into internet
memes to composing pop musicals about banking software to running the
first (and, inevitably, leading) festival concerned with cocktail robotics,
Johannes and Monochrom constantly seek the right medium for their
message(s). Among other projects, they’ve established a one-baud
semaphore line through the streets of San Francisco, buried couples
alive in plush surveillant coffins and cracked the hierarchies of the
art market with a series of elaborate pranks. Now they are taking on the
silver screen with the Kickstarter-funded story of Sierra Zulu, the last Soviet micro-state.

As our first Toast of the Tip honoree of the fall,
Grenzfurthner will share his global adventures in subverting subversion
and discuss some of the oddities of storytelling and filmmaking in a
digital age.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Beer, wine, snacks, 5:30 pm
Speaker, 6:00 pm

There will be a list. To be included, RSVP by the morning of 26th to:

the monochrom blog - archive of everything