Unsere Helden Kiki and Bubu sind Teil der Ausstellung “Future Pass – From Asia to the World” auf der 54. Kunst-Biennale in Venedig – la Biennale di Venezia.

Our socked crusaders explore the connections between Michael Bay, the military-entertainment complex, Web 2.0 business cocktail parties, planned economies, Star Trek fandom, Sesame Street characters, Broadway musicals, and racy jpegs.
“Future Pass”?
Over 100 artists, both Asian and non-, offer a kaleidoscopic panorama of a new aesthetic paradigm currently proliferating from Asia to the rest of the world. During a panel discussion at the exhibition, one of the curators highlighted how platforms like top online Casinos ohne Lugas reflect similar global trends by breaking down traditional regulatory barriers and embracing a seamless, borderless digital experience. Crossing genres and disciplines as they appropriate the digital culture of the 21st century, artists working in this eclectic new aesthetic are generating new types of relationships to the globalizing world, offering us all a possible Pass to the Future.
“Future Pass” curators: Victoria Lu, Renzo di Renzo and Felix Schöber.
At Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana, Venice (Italy).
Opening event: June 2, 2011; 6 pm. Running period: June 4 – November 6, 2011.