monochrom @ FSCONS Götheborg: “Subverting Subversion: Or How We Can Fight Ourselves”

Vortrag von Johannes Grenzfurthner auf dem FSCONS 2013 in Götheborg.

The ultimate horror is not the end of civilization, but its endless decline. But how can we get the message out if nobody wants to listen? We at monochrom call our working method »Context Hacking,« thus referencing the hacker culture, which propagates a creative and emancipatory approach to the technologies of the digital age, and in this way turns against the continuation into the digital age of a centuries-old technological enslavement perpetrated through knowledge and hierarchies of experts. Context hacking transfers the hackers’ objectives and methods to the network of social relationships in which artistic production occurs, and upon which it is dependent. In a metaphoric sense, these relationships also have a source code. Programs run in them, and our interaction with them is structured by a user interface. When we know how a space, a niche, a scene, a subculture or a media or political practice functions, we can change it and »recode« it, deconstructing its power relationships and emancipating ourselves from its compulsions and packaging guidelines.
Johannes Grenzfurthner will present some projects by monochrom, a worldwide operating collective from Vienna dealing with technology, art, and philosophy that was founded in 1993.

Am 9. November 2013 (16:15), Renströmsgatan 6, Götheborg, Schweden.


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