Traceroute: Winner Best Documentary 2016 at Celludroid Film Festival
WINNER! Traceroute won the Award for Best Documentary at Celludroid Film Festival in Cape Town, South Africa. Wonderlik! Link
WINNER! Traceroute won the Award for Best Documentary at Celludroid Film Festival in Cape Town, South Africa. Wonderlik! Link
Patricia Banzer von SRF Doppelpunkt hat Johannes Grenzfurthner von monochrom zum Thema Innovationskraft Pornografie interviewt. Sie ist überall und nirgendwo. Die Pornografie. Eine Industrie, die Millionen von Augen füttert, aber doch nicht fassbar ist. Die moralische Fragen aufwirft. Und die schon immer technologische Innovation und Fortschritt angekurbelt hat. Link
WINNER! Traceroute won the Award for Best Feature Documentary at Diamond In The Rough Film Festival in Cupertino, CA, USA. Jaaaa! Link
WINNER! Traceroute won the Award for Best Feature Documentary at Diamond In The Rough Film Festival in Cupertino, CA, USA. Yesss! Link
Monochrom-Künstler Johannes Grenzfurthner hat seinen persönlichen Weg durch die Nerd-Kultur verfilmt – die er inzwischen durchaus kritisch sieht. Mit welcher Frage man einsteigen müsste, um sich nicht gleich als jemand zu outen, der von Nerd-Kultur keine Ahnung hat? „Gute Frage, meint Johannes Grenzfurthner. „Das hängt davon ab, wie positiv oder negativ man Nerds sieht – … Read more
Mark Schwab (filmmaker, co-founder and artistic director of Diamond in the Rough Film Festival) on the wonderful Traceroute, which is receiving its West Coast premiere this weekend at the Bluelight Cinemas in Cupertino. CHECK OUT BOTH IT (a celebration of the unchartered depths of nerd culture!) AND THE FESTIVAL this Saturday and Sunday, September 24 … Read more
Mark Schwab (filmmaker, co-founder and artistic director of Diamond in the Rough Film Festival) on the wonderful Traceroute, which is receiving its West Coast premiere this weekend at the Bluelight Cinemas in Cupertino. CHECK OUT BOTH IT (a celebration of the unchartered depths of nerd culture!) AND THE FESTIVAL this Saturday and Sunday, September 24 … Read more
Johannes Grenzfurthner writes, “My cinematic tour de farce through nerd culture comes to the West Coast. Upcoming Bay Area and L.A. premieres!” * Bay Area premiere at “Diamond In The Rough Film Festival” (featuring Q&A with DOP Eddie Codel) in Cupertino, CA. September 24, 8 pm. * L.A. premiere (featuring panel with Film Threat’s Chris … Read more
Johannes Grenzfurthner writes, “My cinematic tour de farce through nerd culture comes to the West Coast. Upcoming Bay Area and L.A. premieres!” * Bay Area premiere at “Diamond In The Rough Film Festival” (featuring Q&A with DOP Eddie Codel) in Cupertino, CA. September 24, 8 pm. * L.A. premiere (featuring panel with Film Threat’s Chris … Read more
“Traceroute” has been selected to screen at Frack Fest OKC’s Underground Multimedia Fest.The screening will take place in Oklahoma City, USA — October 20-23. Link (Tickets)