Wolfgang-Lorenz-Gedenkpreis-Erwähnung im Wiener
Womit? Mit Recht! Link
Womit? Mit Recht! Link
Der Dreh von Earthmoving (das Prequel von Sierra Zulu) im UN-Gebäude in Wien und am Flughafen Wien ist abgeschlossen. Zwei intensive, kreative Tage mit einem wunderbaren Team! Wir prosten ihnen zu! Hier ein paar Bilder von unserer Set-Fotografin Magdalena Fischer. Die anderen Fotos könnt ihr auf der Sierra Zulu Flickr Seite sehen. Revolutionen sind die … Read more
We finished the filming of Earthmoving (Sierra Zulu‘s prequel) at UNOV and VIE. Two days of intense, creative work with a truly marvellous team! Here’s to them! Some images for your enjoyment — taken by our wonderful set photographer Magdalena Fischer. More pictures can be found on Sierra Zulu’s Flickr page. Revolutions are the camera … Read more
Erwähnung der monochom “Eigenblunzn”-Aktion (Wiener Faktionismus) in einem Artikel in der Presse über zwei Moderatoren die jeweils Fleich des anderen verkostet haben. Presse / Link Und zum Nachlesen: “Ich schmecke Gut”, ein Bericht von Gerlinde Lang zur Aktion – auf FM4.
Our favorite sock puppets Kiki and Bubu have some feelings, so they sign up for an online dating site. When the People of China want to become their friend, they are excited. However, sending the People of China a video of themselves proves to be difficult: Their content gets flagged as inappropriate and taken down … Read more
Our favorite sock puppets Kiki and Bubu have some feelings, so they sign up for an online dating site. When the People of China want to become their friend, they are excited. However, sending the People of China a video of themselves proves to be difficult: Their content gets flagged as inappropriate and taken down … Read more
monochrom’s ISS is a ten-part improv-reality-sitcom about living and working on the International Space Station. The four actors playing the ISS crew must develop strategies on the fly in response to surprise situations, which are loosely based on actual ISS data uncovered by monochrom. In space no one can hear you complain about your job. … Read more
monochrom’s ISS is a ten-part improv-reality-sitcom about living and working on the International Space Station. The four actors playing the ISS crew must develop strategies on the fly in response to surprise situations, which are loosely based on actual ISS data uncovered by monochrom. In space no one can hear you complain about your job. … Read more
monochrom’s ISS is a ten-part improv-reality-sitcom about living and working on the International Space Station. The four actors playing the ISS crew must develop strategies on the fly in response to surprise situations, which are loosely based on actual ISS data uncovered by monochrom. In space no one can hear you complain about your job. … Read more
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