United States of Dysregulation

In the late 1970s, the historian Christopher Lasch famously described America as a culture of narcissism. Today we might well be called a nation of dysregulation. The signs that something is amiss in our inner mechanisms of control and restraint are everywhere. Link

The History Of The Universe As Told By Wonder Woman

THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE AS TOLD BY WONDER WOMAN is an independent documentary feature that looks at female superheroes, warrior princesses and other icons of women’s empowerment in pop culture. Examining the history of fiction’s longest running superheroine, the film raises questions about the possibilities and contradictions of women as popular action heroes. Can … Read more

The Internet As Civil Right?

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who use broadband Internet at home, you probably take for granted how deeply it’s woven into your life. It has transformed the way we pay our bills, seek romance, procrastinate, and keep abreast of politics and the lives of friends. The pre-Google era has become a distant, … Read more

Immaterial Value and Scarcity in Digital Capitalism

Essay by Michael Betancourt. The collapse of the United States’ “Housing Bubble” in 2008 is the logical and inevitable result of the illusion of production without consumption; however, in spite of the financial collapse, and the bailouts of insolvent financial institutions and the on-going disinflation, credit and value collapse, the institutions receiving bailouts became stronger … Read more

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