Masking Threshold: Best Screenplay at ‘A Night of Horror’
Huzzah! Johannes Grenzfurthner and Samantha Lienhard win “Best Screenplay” at A Night of Horror International Film Festival in Sydney for MASKING THRESHOLD! Link
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Huzzah! Johannes Grenzfurthner and Samantha Lienhard win “Best Screenplay” at A Night of Horror International Film Festival in Sydney for MASKING THRESHOLD! Link
Danni Winn of PopHorror interviewed Johannes Grenzfurthner about Masking Threshold! This year’s Nightmares Film Festival continues in its tradition of bringing together exceptional examples of genre filmmaking, but one film in particular, Masking Threshold, stood out from the crowd, ultimately winning the prestigious Film From Hell honor. The latest from Austrian filmmaker Johannes Grenzfurthner, founder … Read more
Masking Threshold got accepted at the Shockfest 2021!
Andrew Stover of Film Inquiry loves Masking Threshold. The warped, claustrophobic horror of Masking Threshold is wholly original, making it one of the best horror films of the year. Johannes Grenzfurthner makes the most monotonous tasks jarring and uncomfortable. But it is the careful planning of the protagonist’s deadly obsession that results in the most … Read more
OMfuckinG. Nightmares Film Festival bestowed Masking Threshold the award for FILM FROM HELL – BEST OF THE FESTIVAL. This is incredible! *BEST* film of the festival! Fuuuuck!
Masking Threshold‘s Florida premiere at the wonderful SICK ‘N’ WRONG FILM FESTIVAL!
22 Indie Street gives Masking Threshold *4.5/5*! Masking Threshold makes no secret of what is coming, but the true horror genre comes through during the movie’s climax. The rest is just a dramatic slow-building film that ramps up the dread scene by scene. Johannes Grenzfurthner and Samantha Lienhard have written a script that could have … Read more
Hey German peeps! Masking Threshold is available on the virtual platform of the B3 Biennale des bewegten Bildes. So in case you want to watch it… that’s an option! Here we go.
Mexico, we are coming! Mexico’s biggest fantasy, horror, sci-fi film festival FERATUM FILM FEST screens Masking Threshold!
Nice! Austrian film Masking Threshold is a similar chamber piece, as an unnamed man in his home laboratory (star and director Johannes Grenzfurthner) attempts to cure his debilitating hearing impairment, only for his experiments to lead him down a dark and horrifying path. Anyone hearing The Fly buzzing in the ear here? Link