Masking Threshold: Best Editing at ‘Unnamed Footage Festival’
Unnamed Footage Festival awarded Masking Threshold Best Editing of the Festival!
monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.
Unnamed Footage Festival awarded Masking Threshold Best Editing of the Festival!
Marina Pavido reviewed Masking Threshold for Cinema Austriaco. Masking Threshold è il film che non ci si aspetta. Un film dalla forma ibrida, che in seguito a un iniziale approccio documentaristico assume pian piano le connotazioni di un horror in un crescendo di tensione e comicità. Johannes Grenzfurthner ha attinto a piene mani dai moderni … Read more
Review of Masking Threshold in FM4. Horrorfilm, Video-Tagebuch, Psychogramm des Wahnsinns – Johannes Grenzfurthners neuer Film ist vieles, aber sicher nichts für Zartbesaitete. Im Zentrum steht ein IT-Nerd, der an einem Tinnitus leidet und sich im selbstgebauten Labor davon heilen will. Ein krudes Experiment jagt das nächste – was folgt, sind der komplette moralische Verfall … Read more
Review of Masking Threshold in Kleine Zeitung. “Was immer das ist, es ist kein Tinnitus.” Geplagt macht sich ein IT-Techniker daran, dem Ursprung der Geräusche in seinem Kopf auf den Grund zu gehen. Die harmlosen Tests seines Gehörs münden in eine blutrünstige Obsession. Regisseur Johannes Grenzfurthner inszeniert diesen Horror-Trip ins Selbst mit einer Makrolinse. Die … Read more
Manuel Fronhofer of Austrian magazine The Gap interviewed Johannes Grenzfurthner about Masking Threshold! Johannes Grenzfurthner, Mitbegründer des Kunst- und Theoriekollektivs Monochrom, wurde zuletzt für »Masking Threshold« international auf diversen Genrefilm-Festivals gefeiert. Sein Protagonist macht sich darin wortreich und in immer unbarmherzigeren Experimenten auf die Suche nach einer Erklärung für den Tinnitus, der ihn – im … Read more
2600 published a wonderful review of Masking Threshold by Peter Blok! Click to enlarge
thepaintedman published a wonderful review of Masking Threshold! Johannes Grenzfurthner’s Masking Threshold is one of the least pleasant viewing experiences I’ve had in a long time. Don’t mistake this for me saying that it’s a bad film, though… it’s inventive, unique, and clever. It’s a truly singular vision. But that vision is not an easy … Read more
Adam Symchuk published a great review (4.5/5!) of Masking Threshold! It is pretty uncommon to come across a unique feature in cinema, not to say there is a lack of original ideas, but a fully new concept and approach is a rarity in the age of mass media. Masking Threshold marks itself as one of … Read more
Giant Pictures releases movies and series across major streaming platforms like Apple TV, Netflix, Tubi, The Roku Channel, Pluto TV, IMDb TV and Peacock. Drafthouse Films’ first two acquisitions are NR. 10, directed by Alex van Warmerdam (‘Borgman’), and Masking Threshold, a psychological horror pic from director Johannes Grenzfurthner. Both genre pics bowed at Fantastic … Read more
It’s official. And insane. Masking Threshold will be released by Drafthouse Films! More in this article on Variety! Johannes Grenzfurthner directed “Masking Threshold,” a psychological horror film that Drafthouse Films is calling “an experience not for the faint of heart.” One part chamber play, one part scientific procedural and one part YouTube unboxing video, “Masking … Read more