TEDxVienna: monochrom’s Johannes Grenzfurthner: On how to subvert subversion

Talk presented at TEDxVienna, November 2010. The term “context hacking” -­ like its older mimetic sibling “communication guerrilla” -­ refers to unconventional forms of communication and/or intervention in more conventional processes of communication. Context hacking is a specific style of political action drawing from a watchful view of the paradoxes and absurdities of power, turning … Read more

‘This Train Is Not a Playground’: David John Andersson’s thesis on Urban Public Pranks

David John Andersson’s senior thesis is called “This Train Is Not a Playground: Improv Everywhere and Urban Public Pranks” (Harvard College). It’s a splendid piece of cultural analysis of contemporary urban hacking and guerrilla communication. David even won a prize for it in 2009. David interviewed tons of interesting people working in the field: Scott … Read more

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