Latest Past Events

Buried Alive beim Festival A Place to be am Symposion Lindabrunn

Symposion Lindabrunn Steinbruchstraße 25, 551 Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn

Buried Alive (auch bekannt als Experience the Experience of Being Buried Alive und Lebendig begraben) ist eine Performance-Reihe der österreichischen Kunst- und Theorie-Gruppe monochrom. Das Grundkonzept besteht darin, freiwilligen Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit zu bieten, sich fünfzehn Minuten lang lebendig in einem Sarg unter der Erde begraben zu lassen. Als Rahmenprogramm bietet monochrom Vorträge über die wissenschaftliche Geschichte der Feststellung des Todes und die medizinische Kulturgeschichte der vorzeitigen Bestattung. Im Rahmen des Festival A Place to be - 50 Jahre Verein Symposion Lindabrunn wird monochrom erstmal seit 2015 wieder ein Buried Alive in Österreich durchführen! Erscheinen sie zahlreich, wenn geht manisch!

Monocon #2

Symposion Lindabrunn Steinbruchstraße 25, 551 Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn

Four days of exhibitions, discussions, workshops, amusement and destruction, with/by/for monochrom and its friends. Are there better ways to spend time in the Austrian countryside? Definitely not.
We will meet in Lindabrunn (Lower Austria) at VSL... August 29 (6:30 PM) to September 1, 2019 (6:30 PM)!
What is it?
Verein Symposium Lindabrunn (VSL) was founded as a sculpture symposium around 50 years ago... and over the years they created a big sculpture park. There aren't any sculptural artists wrong at VSL anymore, but the location features all the infrastructure that is needed to live and work together, including a lecture room for 30 people, workspaces (both for office work and building stuff), and a big outdoor BBQ area. The central buildings are located beside a quarry (needed in former times to mine stones for sculptural work) and overlooks a big landscaped park area.
How to get to monocon?
VSL is located around 60km south of Vienna, in the municipality of Lindabrunn.
By plane
Via Vienna International Airport (VIE), take a rental car from there. Or take the public transport (ÖBB) to Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn.
In case you want to arrive with your own Cessna: Wiener Neustadt Airport (QEW/LOAN) is 10 miles away.
Via public transport
Next train station with regular and frequent operation is Leobersdorf, located on the southbound train line from Vienna to Wiener Neustadt. You can buy online tickets from OEBB. Note that only regional trains and Schnellbahn will stop at Leobersdorf. Change there to a local bus to Lindabrunn HTV. It will terminate directly at the entrance of the sculpture park at Steinbruchstraße. You can buy an online ticket for the whole route at once.
By car
Map search: Steinbruchstraße 25, Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn. There is one parking space at Steinbruchstraße located under shady trees, but around 300m walking distance upwards to the building (driving up is restricted) and another one at Hernsteinerstraße, mainly used for day visitors, more sunny, but almost on the same level as the building (50m to the building, you just need to cross the grassland).
Where to stay?
Accommodation we can recommend:
* 20 tents are available directly at the sculpture park (full infrastructure at main building). Contact us to reserve one. If you want to bring your own mobile palace, please check with us in advance.
* Sportschule Lindabrunn: The dormitory of this school is within walking distance - around 1 km. By June 2019 around 30 rooms are available. Price is 50-70 EUR / night.
Contact them by phone: +43 2256 / 81282 or by mail: hochmayr at
* Gästezimmer Pfleger: Still in walking distance (below 3km, around 30 minutes walk). They do have a pool. Call them at +43 2256 81988 or email: office at
* If you come by car and want a higher standard, we can recommend Leobersdorfer Hof, 6km distance from VSL

Poetry Slam in Enzesfeld

Spitalskirche Enzesfeld Schloßstrasse 19, 2551 Enzesfeld/Lindabrunn

26. Juli 2019 :: 18 h :: Poetry Slam
Spitalskirche Enzesfeld
Schloßstrasse 19, 2551 Enzesfeld/Lindabrunn
Mario Tomic, einer der bekanntesten Slammer Österreichs, wird den Poetry Slam in der Spitalskirche in Enzesfeld moderieren.
Was genau ist ein Poetry Slam? Ein Poetry Slam ist ein Dichterinnen- und Dichterwettstreit, bei dem selbst verfasste Texte vorgetragen werden. Die Teilnehmer lesen den Text nicht nur vor, sondern sie „performen“ ihn. Es darf geflüstert, gereimt, erzählt, gerappt, geschrien oder gestottert werden. Moderator ist der erfahrene Poetry-Slammer und Slam-Meister Mario Tomic. Das Publikum kürt den Sieger oder die Siegerin.
Jeder, der 2 Texte mitbringt und in ca. 5 Minuten vortragen will kann mitmachen. Anmeldungen für die Teilnahme am Slam entweder bei Johanna Haigl unter Mail:, Tel. 0676/7455013 oder bis spätestens eine halbe Stunde vor Beginn direkt in der Spitalskirche.

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