The Digital and Analogue Subversion of monochrom @ Cyland
Ein Interview mit monochroms Günther Friesinger auf der russischen Website Cyland. Link (Russisch)
Ein Interview mit monochroms Günther Friesinger auf der russischen Website Cyland. Link (Russisch)
An interview with monochrom’s Günther Friesinger on the Russian website Cyland. Link (Russian)
This 7D (backwards compatible to 2D) world simulation depicts six different key events in the history of Terra (“Earth”), a low-tech civilization that self-destructed several aeons ago. Based on the relatively few biological and cultural artifacts, a team of multi-AI minds was able to recreate a stunningly accurate depiction of this ancient civilization. Kreiert von … Read more
This 7D (backwards compatible to 2D) world simulation depicts six different key events in the history of Terra (“Earth”), a low-tech civilization that self-destructed several aeons ago. Based on the relatively few biological and cultural artifacts, a team of multi-AI minds was able to recreate a stunningly accurate depiction of this ancient civilization. Created by … Read more
Unser neuer monochrom Artist-in-Residence ist da! Damien Di Fede is a creative programmer, composer, and founding member of experimental game collective Kokoromi. As a game programmer, he contributed to Red Fly Studio’s titles Mushroom Men, Food Network: Cook or be Cooked! and Thor: God of Thunder. Recent projects include audio engineering on Tiger Style’s Waking … Read more
Our new artist in residence arrived! Damien Di Fede is a creative programmer, composer, and founding member of experimental game collective Kokoromi. As a game programmer, he contributed to Red Fly Studio’s titles Mushroom Men, Food Network: Cook or be Cooked! and Thor: God of Thunder. Recent projects include audio engineering on Tiger Style’s Waking … Read more
Leset, geneigte SowjetInnen! Die Presse, 11. November 2012. Online-Version.
Check it out, observant Soviets! Die Presse, November 11, 2012. Online version.
monochroms “Title Sequence” ist ein gerahmter Print einer Raubfotografie in Passepartout, 33×33 cm. Gestaltet für MULTImART. Es steht schlecht um die Aura der Kunst im Zeitalter digitaler Reproduzierbarkeit! Image Sharing! Kontextkollaps! Beliebigkeit! Bedeutungsverlust! monochrom, die immer schon einen Hang zu totgesagten Medien hatten, rücken die Kontextualisierung von Kunstwerken wieder in den Mittelpunkt und garantieren eine … Read more
monochrom’s “Title Sequence” is laser print of a bootleg photographic image in mounted frame; 33×33 cm. Created for MULTImART. In this age of digital reproductivity, the aura of art is in bad shape. Image sharing! Collapse of context! Randomness! Loss of significance! monochrom, who have always had a fondness for written-off media, will put back … Read more