KillScreen Magazine: "Stories about orcs and rape: the man behind Arse Elektronika"

KillScreen magazine berichtet erneut über die Arse Elektronika 2012! A chat with Johannes Grenzfurthner, the brainiest pervert of them all. Arse Elektronika’s 2012 incarnation was, to my mind, the world’s first sex-positive, sex-focused gaming conference. It was hosted by Johannes Grenzfurthner, of the philosophy/art/tech consortium Monochrom. The genial host is part MC, part mad professor, … Read more

KillScreen Magazine: “Stories about orcs and rape”: the man behind Arse Elektronika

A chat with Johannes Grenzfurthner, the brainiest pervert of them all. Arse Elektronika’s 2012 incarnation was, to my mind, the world’s first sex-positive, sex-focused gaming conference. It was hosted by Johannes Grenzfurthner, of the philosophy/art/tech consortium Monochrom. The genial host is part MC, part mad professor, tossing around PHD-level queer theory one moment, posing for … Read more

Let’s Play With The World: Games, Art, Activism and other subversions @ IndieCade 2012

Hosted by Johannes Grenzfurthner/monochrom. This panel invites five game designers who are also artists to discuss the boundary between art, games and activism. It is a standard reflex for people to think they are helpless in the face of mighty governments and corporate power. But in a media-based society, everything is controlled by a “cultural … Read more

Let’s Play With The World: Games, Art, Activism and other subversions @ IndieCade 2012

Gehosted von Johannes Grenzfurthner/monochrom. This panel invites five game designers who are also artists to discuss the boundary between art, games and activism. It is a standard reflex for people to think they are helpless in the face of mighty governments and corporate power. But in a media-based society, everything is controlled by a “cultural … Read more

monochroms Johannes Grenzfurthner @ Duncan/Channon Toast of the Tip

monochroms Johannes Grenzfurthner zu Gaste bei Duncan/Channon Toast of the Tip! He’s an artist, writer, curator, director, professor, all-around instigator, and founder of Monochrom, the notorious Viennese art/technology/philosophy powerhouse. His projects have been featured in The New York Times, Der Spiegel, San Francisco Chronicle, CNN, Slashdot, Boing Boing, LA Times, NPR, Gizmodo, Wired. He (or his … Read more

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