Sierra Zulu Kickstarter Tour Dates

BolschwikInnen! Hier die Tourdaten für die Kickstarter-Campaign zur Geldakquirierung für Sierra Zulu! July 13, 2012, 9 PM At HOPE Conference in New York City, Hotel Pennsylvania Lecture performance “Sierra Zulu: How To Create A Feature Film About The Digital Age — And Why That’s Pretty Hard” July 16, 2012, 7 PM A Soviet Drink-Up at … Read more

monochrom @ A Guidebook of Alternative Nows

Amber Hickey hat das wundebare “Guidebook of Alternative Nows” veröffentlicht… 34 creative thinkers and makers contributed to this book which illuminates ways of devising more socially, economically, and ecologically just versions of now. Wir sind froh dabei zu sein. Bestellt werden kann das Ding hier.

the monochrom blog - archive of everything