Arse Elektronika: Come for science!

VenusPlusX attended Arse Elektronika 2011. The presentations were extremely wide-ranging, and showed the creativity possible as a new age of sexual freedom emerges. Each one incrementally stretched the group or “hive” mind in real time. Among the dozen+ offerings, we heard from Kitty Stryker in her frank talk, “Sex Work, Disability, and Stigma”  and Maymay presented “A Class … Read more

Arse Elektronika: Come for science!

VenusPlusX attended Arse Elektronika 2011. The presentations were extremely wide-ranging, and showed the creativity possible as a new age of sexual freedom emerges. Each one incrementally stretched the group or “hive” mind in real time. Among the dozen+ offerings, we heard from Kitty Stryker in her frank talk, “Sex Work, Disability, and Stigma”  and Maymay presented “A Class … Read more

Roboexotica 2011: Festivaldaten fixiert

The Roboexotica 2011 Festival dates are set for December 1st-4th in Vienna. If you’re into robots, and are of legal drinking age, this is one event absolutely not to be missed. Here’s how the Roboexotica organization website positions this totally unique annual celebration featuring robots contributing to improving life in a meaningful way… Cheers! Roboexotica … Read more

Bernie DeKoven über monochrom

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Johannes Grenzfurthner. We think we have known of each other for years. Maybe 5. Maybe 100. He is a profoundly playful artist working with a group that calls itself Monochrom. We met, at last, as you can probably deduce from our photo. Since attending DiGRA I … Read more

Bernie DeKoven about monochrom

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Johannes Grenzfurthner. We think we have known of each other for years. Maybe 5. Maybe 100. He is a profoundly playful artist working with a group that calls itself Monochrom. We met, at last, as you can probably deduce from our photo. Since attending DiGRA I … Read more

monochrom Propulsion Systems, LLC

Yesterday we finalized the glorious bureaucratic creation of a US-based company for monochrom. It’s primarily for our feature-film project Sierra Zulu. US collaborators, actors and film festivals are easier to deal with if you can show that you are ‘one of them.’ Let’s call it financial mimicry, comrades. Applause for monochrom Propulsion Systems, LLC Based … Read more

monochrom Propulsion Systems, LLC!

Yesterday we finalized the glorious bureaucratic creation of a US-based company for monochrom. It’s primarily for our feature-film project Sierra Zulu. US collaborators, actors and film festivals are easier to deal with if you can show that you are ‘one of them.’ Let’s call it financial mimicry, comrades. Applause for monochrom Propulsion Systems, LLC Based … Read more

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