monochrom’s ISS: Press Conference

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press! At a press conference on January 20, 2011 (10:00 CET, Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna), the representatives of the International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board will unanimously reaffirm their strong interest in maximizing the benefits from utilization of the ISS. Consistent with previous direction from the ISS Heads of Agency … Read more

monochrom’s ISS: Press Conference

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press! At a press conference on January 20, 2011 (10:00 CET, Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna), the representatives of the International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board will unanimously reaffirm their strong interest in maximizing the benefits from utilization of the ISS. Consistent with previous direction from the ISS Heads of Agency … Read more

Categories ISS

Ein monochrom-Nostalgikum: Fanzine-Anzeige, so ca. Mitte der Neunziger

Hussa! Wir haben gerade eine antike Print-Anzeige für das monochrom-Fanzine entdeckt. Schwer zu sagen, aber wir glauben, dass das Relikt aus dem Jahre 1995 oder Frühjahr 1996 stammt. Es wurde damals von unserem Freund Michael Marrak designt. Die Web-Adresse funktioniert immer noch, aber die Scheckenpost-Adresse nicht mehr. Unser damaliger Slogan “media, art, damage” war eigentlich … Read more

DISMALWARE: A deep scan by monochrom and Telekommunisten

monochrom and Telekommunisten initiate a scanning routine, looking beyond the hype of digital progress and focusing directly at the critical problems surrounding the increasingly pervasive use of technology. Beyond the gloss of the latest iJunk, is a world of poisoned children, lethal mines, toxic sweatshops and the construction of the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus any … Read more

DISMALWARE: A deep scan by monochrom and Telekommunisten

monochrom and Telekommunisten initiate a scanning routine, looking beyond the hype of digital progress and focusing directly at the critical problems surrounding the increasingly pervasive use of technology. Beyond the gloss of the latest iJunk, is a world of poisoned children, lethal mines, toxic sweatshops and the construction of the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus any … Read more

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