Trial Over Beuys Estate Highlights Artworld Debate Over Intellectual Property Rights

Aside from illustrating some of the glaring differences between jurisdictions when approaching copyright protection and infringement, the trial illustrates, perhaps more significantly, the problem of balancing an artist’s rights of authorship (as inherited by their estate) against the freedom of expression of museum curators and other creators; in this case, photographers. Link

(OTS) Verleihgala des Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten 2010

Wien (OTS) – Dem “Scheiß Internet”, in das sich junge Menschen “verkriechen”, hat ORF-Programmdirektor Wolfgang Lorenz im Herbst des Jahres 2008 den Kampf erklärt. Wenn das nicht Grund genug ist, nach dem Visionär einen Preis zu benennen, was dann? Das Wiener KünstlerInnen-Kollektiv monochrom hat deshalb den “Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten” gestiftet und verleiht … Read more

Schizophrenia: The Insanity Virus?

Schizophrenia has long been blamed on bad genes or even bad parents. Wrong, says a growing group of psychiatrists. The real culprit, they claim, is a virus that lives entwined in every person’s DNA. […] Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 25, but the person who becomes schizophrenic is sometimes recalled … Read more

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