Furtherfield-Interview mit Johannes Grenzfurthner von monochrom / Teil 3
Marc Da Costa interviews Johannes Grenzfurthner, founder of monochrom. The third of three interviews, where he talks about the birth of monochrome culture and the intricacies of subversion in the era of soft control. An art-technology-philosophy group of basket weaving enthusiasts and theory do-it-yourselfers since 1993. Link zum dritten Teil des Interviews Link zum zweiten … Read more
Furtherfield interview with Johannes Grenzfurthner of monochrom / Part 3
Marc Da Costa interviews Johannes Grenzfurthner, founder of monochrom. The third of three interviews, where he talks about the birth of monochrome culture and the intricacies of subversion in the era of soft control. An art-technology-philosophy group of basket weaving enthusiasts and theory do-it-yourselfers since 1993. Link to interview (part 3) Link to interview (part … Read more
We are currently preparing our call for Arse Elektronika 2011…
And dont forget — never underestimate your shortcomings…
Es ist wieder Zeit: monochroms "Herzerl bleib steh’n"
Ich verpflichte mich dazu am 1. Mai ____ um zwölf Uhr mittags meine linksspirituellen Kräfte auf das Herzerl eines x-beliebigen Reaktionärs und/oder Klassenfeinds zu konzentrieren, damit es steh’n bleibt. Ich nütze die verbleibende Zeit zur Vorbereitung für dieses famose Projekt. Link
It is time again: monochrom’s “Achy Breaky Heart Campaign”
I pledge that I will concentrate my leftist-spiritual energies on the heart of a reactionary and/or class enemy and/or functionary of the World Bank so that it comes to a halt at noon on 1 May ____. I will use the remaining time for the preparation of this splendid endeavour. Link