Jesse Zbikowski: Neuer monochrom Artist-in-Residence @ Museumsquartier Vienna
Unser neuer Kunstresidenzler ist angekommen! Jesse D. Zbikowski was born in Greenfield, Massachusetts (USA) in 1977, year of the dragon. He taught himself computer programming by typing random numbers into a Commodore 64 until he figured out how to animate an ASCII decapitation scene. In the nineties he moved on to coding x86 assembly language … Read more
Jesse Zbikowski: New monochrom artist in residence @ Museumsquartier Vienna
Our new artist in residence just arrived! Jesse D. Zbikowski was born in Greenfield, Massachusetts (USA) in 1977, year of the dragon. He taught himself computer programming by typing random numbers into a Commodore 64 until he figured out how to animate an ASCII decapitation scene. In the nineties he moved on to coding x86 … Read more
monochrom #26-34: Präsentationssause in Berlin, Teutschlant
== monochrom #26-34: Ye Olde Self-Referentiality == == Release reading/party at HBC Berlin == == Hosted by Johannes Grenzfurthner == == Featuring Special Guest Andreas “Krach” Stoiber == == DJs: Jimmy Trash & Frank Apunkt Schneider == == November 13, 2010, 9 PM == The phatzine monochrom #26-34 (Goat of 1k Young) is an impossibility … Read more
monochrom #26-34: Release festivities in Berlin, Germany
== monochrom #26-34: Ye Olde Self-Referentiality == == Release reading/party at HBC Berlin == == Hosted by Johannes Grenzfurthner == == Featuring Special Guest Andreas “Krach” Stoiber == == DJs: Jimmy Trash & Frank Apunkt Schneider == == November 13, 2010, 9 PM == The phatzine monochrom #26-34 (Goat of 1k Young) is an impossibility … Read more
monochrom# 26-34 release Party in Berlin!
500 Pages of monochrom… presented by Günther Friesinger and Johannes Grenzfurthner! With DJ’s Jimmy Trash and Frank Apunkt Schneider! 13.11.201, Karl Liebknechtstr. 9, Berlin (Alexanderplatz) Beginn: 21.00 (sharp!). Free Admission and Krach der Roboter *live*: Yes!