Viennese Zombie Brood — first horrifying reports and images!
Yesterday was a grim day for Vienna. monochrom tried to stop a zombie outbreak — and we have to admit: we failed horribly. September 24, 2010 shall never be forgotten! But we need your help to collect evidence! Send us blog entries and images! Link
Wiener Zombie Brut — das Nachgeblogge!
Es gibt erste Blogeinträge und Flickr-Fotoalben vom blutsudlerischen Zombie-Mob am 24. September 2010. Wir sammeln alle Einträge auf unsere Archivseite — also bitte um Zusendung von sachdienlichen Hinweisen! Es darf demnächst auch mit einer Analyse des monochrom’schen Kollegen R. Gratzer gerechnet werden. Link
Six Feet Under Club: Coffin, we haz it (also quasi)!
Erstellung eines Sarges (für den Six Feet Under Club auf der Arse Elektronika) @ Noisebridge! Werkzeug: check! Strukturelle Integrität: check! Testverkehr: check! Link
Six Feet Under Club: Coffin, we (almost) haz it!
Construction of coffin (for Six Feet Under Club at Arse Elektronika) at Noisebridge! Tools: check! Structual integrity: check! Test fornication: check! Link
Six Feet Under Club: Coffin, we (almost) haz it!
Construction of coffin (for Six Feet Under Club at Arse Elektronika) at Noisebridge! Tools: check! Structual integrity: check! Test fornication: check! Link
SF Weekly empfiehlt Arse Elektronika 2010
By Allison Davis. Today you are encouraged to join in a communal task — giving one woman an orgasm. Over the course of an hour, the lucky participant is streamed on video while people all over the world, including you, use remotely controlled sex toys to lend a virtual helping hand. Swathed in pink latex, … Read more