What’s Left Over? monochroms Diskussionsrunde über Technik und Versagen @ Metalab Vienna

As part of Paraflows 2010 Johannes Grenzfurthner decided to host a panel on technology. And failure. Digital art and culture is embedded in the cultural framework of technological developments. In the study of technological development and creativity, focusing attention on the failure, the error, the breakdown, the malfunction means: opening the black box of technology. … Read more

What’s Left Over? monochrom’s panel on technology and the glory of fuckup @ Metalab Vienna

As part of Paraflows 2010 Johannes Grenzfurthner decided to host a panel on technology. And failure. Digital art and culture is embedded in the cultural framework of technological developments. In the study of technological development and creativity, focusing attention on the failure, the error, the breakdown, the malfunction means: opening the black box of technology. … Read more

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