Engineers Develop Revolutionary New Desalination Membrane

Researchers from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have unveiled a new class of reverse-osmosis membranes for desalination that resist the clogging which typically occurs when seawater, brackish water and waste water are purified. The highly permeable, surface-structured membrane can easily be incorporated into today’s commercial production system, the researchers say, … Read more

Creationist Financing: Let’s do the math!

By Richard B. Hoppe: Todd Wood, a young earth creationist at Bryan College, provides summary data on YEC organizations’ finances over the 2003-2008 period. There are several interesting things about those data. First, as Wood points out, AIG’s share of the creationist dollar grew over that period, from 61.6% ($9M) of the market in 2003 … Read more

monochrom #26-34 Rezension im “Bad Alchemy”-Magazin

Himmel hilf. Die neue monochrom # 26-34 schwebt über mir und strahlt wie der schwarze Monolith aus 2001, stumme Herausforderung zu einer Odyssee über die Untiefen überschlauer Oberseminararbeiten, mit einer Schiffsladung voller akademischer oder akademisierter, tendenziell poplinker, gelegentlich ‘antideutscher’ Schwurbeleien über fast Alles. Der 1000-Seiter strotzt vor Lang- und Kurzweil und überzwerchen Witzen im redlichen … Read more

What Is Consuming Hydrogen & Acetylene on Titan?

Two new papers based on data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft scrutinize the complex chemical activity on the surface of Saturn’s moon Titan. While non-biological chemistry offers one possible explanation, some scientists believe these chemical signatures bolster the argument for a primitive, exotic form of life or precursor to life on Titan’s surface. According to one … Read more

Third World design for First World problems.

Dx1W is calling artists, designers, tinkerers, makers, and thinkers born in and living right now in a Developing Country (as defined by the IMF) to design solutions for four main First World problems. Developing into what, exactly? Developing countries are on their way toward development, and we assume that’s a great thing. But let’s stop … Read more

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