Richard Propes (The Independent Critic) reviews Traceroute

Richard Propes (The Independent Critic) wrote a really great review of Traceroute, almost a love letter! If you’re expecting nothing more than your usual nerd doc with its cosplay cuteness and asocial gamers, you’re going to be not just disappointed but probably traumatized. Grenzfurthner is clearly full-on willing to challenge culture, stereotypes, accepted thoughts and … Read more

MicroFilmmaker Magazine reviews Traceroute

MicroFilmmaker Magazine gives Traceroute 7.5 out of 10 points. Not too shabby! The different people Grenzfurthner chatted with were genuinely interesting and the organic way he moved from place to place was intriguing. […] You’ll find that you’ve learned an awful lot about technology, nerdiness, and America. Link

AUSSTELLUNG: Zeigerpointer. Die wundervolle Welt der Abwesenheit!

[EMEE EuroVision Lab.] AUSSTELLUNG: Zeigerpointer. Die wundervolle Welt der Abwesenheit! (15.4.-8.5. 2016, Lindabrunn/NÖ) Der österreichische Beitrag zum Eurovision Lab des EU-Projekts ‘EuroVision. European Museums Exhibiting Europe’: Das Kunst- und Theoriekollektiv monochrom gewährt Einblick in seine Sammlung ‘Zeigerpointer’. Die in China nach österreichischen Zeitungsabdrucken kopierten Öl-Gemälde wurden von Studierenden des Masterstudiums ‘Ausstellungsdesign’ der FH Joanneum (Graz) unter … Read more

CriticAtac veröffentlicht Rezension von Traceroute

Stefan Tiron hat ein massives Review von Traceroute für das linke rumänische Magazin CriticAtac geschrieben. În româneÈ™te consider că nu există un cuvânt potrivit pentru fanaticii, ahtiaÈ›ii, maniacii, obsedaÈ›ii -posedaÈ›i care scurmă È™i canibalizează deÈ™eurile deversate de complexul militar-de-divertisment în lagunele culturii pop sau pe console de joc È™i de acolo direct în sistemul de … Read more

CriticAtac features review of Traceroute

Stefan Tiron wrote a massive review of Traceroute for Romanian leftist magazine CriticAtac. În româneÈ™te consider că nu există un cuvânt potrivit pentru fanaticii, ahtiaÈ›ii, maniacii, obsedaÈ›ii -posedaÈ›i care scurmă È™i canibalizează deÈ™eurile deversate de complexul militar-de-divertisment în lagunele culturii pop sau pe console de joc È™i de acolo direct în sistemul de irigaÈ›ii al contra-culturii. … Read more

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