monochrom und Telekommunisten präsentieren: DISMALWARE 2 in Berlin

monochrom and Telekommunisten initiate a scanning routine, looking beyond the hype of digital progress and focusing directly at the critical problems surrounding the increasingly pervasive use of technology. Beyond the gloss of the latest iJunk, is a world of poisoned children, lethal mines, toxic sweatshops and the construction of the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus any … Read more

monochrom and Telekommunisten present: DISMALWARE 2 in Berlin

monochrom and Telekommunisten initiate a scanning routine, looking beyond the hype of digital progress and focusing directly at the critical problems surrounding the increasingly pervasive use of technology. Beyond the gloss of the latest iJunk, is a world of poisoned children, lethal mines, toxic sweatshops and the construction of the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus any … Read more

Cybersalon Summer School: The Critical Play Of Serious Games

Cybersalon (UK) präsentiert Richard Barbrook und sein neues Buch Class Wargames. Ludic Subversion Against Spectacular Capitalism. Der Autor von The Californian Ideology, Media Freedom, Imaginary Futures und The Class of the New skizziert als Chronist und Stratege des Londoner Kunstkollektivs Class Wargames eine situationistische Praxis für das Informationszeitalter. Im Zentrum der Neuerscheinung steht Guy Debords … Read more

Arse Elektronika: Sex, Tech and the Future of Screw-It-Yourself @ Lyst Conference, Copenhagen

Eine Lecture-Performance von Johannes Grenzfurthner / monochrom. We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. From the depiction of a vulva in a cave painting to the newest internet porn game, technology and sexuality have always been closely linked. New technologies are quick to appeal to pornography consumers, and thus these … Read more

Arse Elektronika: Sex, Tech and the Future of Screw-It-Yourself @ Lyst Conference, Copenhagen

A talk performance by Johannes Grenzfurthner / monochrom. We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. From the depiction of a vulva in a cave painting to the newest internet porn game, technology and sexuality have always been closely linked. New technologies are quick to appeal to pornography consumers, and thus … Read more

“Die Gstettensaga” auf

Sehr fein, die “Gstettensaga” im Skug-Online-Magazin. Im grotesken Katastrophen-Western-Fantasie-Abenteuer-Film »The Rise Of Echsenfriedl« von Johannes Grenzfurthner bzw. der Wiener Postmarxisten monochrom durchreisen Fratt Aigner und Alalia Grundschober die Weiten von Niederpröll, wo sie auf uns wohlvertraute Einheimische stoßen. Das Abenteuer durch das Land der Postpartner, Bauernbündler und Raiffeisenfilialangestellten ist vor allem eines – eine tragische … Read more

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