Penzing liebt Echsenfriedl

PENZING. Die Science-Fiction-Groteske “Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl” feiert am 7. März seine Premiere in den Breitenseer Lichtspielen. Regie geführt und auch mitgeschrieben am Drehbuch hat der Wiener Johannes Grenzfurthner, unterstützt von Roland Gratzer. Link

Herr Ostrowski, monochrom und das frühe Graberl

“Herr Ostrowski sucht das Glück: In der Einsamkeit” wurde am Dienstag, den 18. Februar 2014 um 23.00 Uhr auf ORF1 ausgestrahlt. Michael Ostrowski macht den Selbstversuch, ob Einsamkeit glücklich macht und worin der Unterschied zwischen Einsamkeit und Alleinsein liegt. Dazu reist er in den Weltraum, verbringt eine Zeit lang als Eremit im Linzer Mariendom und … Read more

Context Hacking: Some Examples of How to Mess with Art, the Media System, Law and the Market @ Shenkar Design School

The term “context hacking” –like its older mimetic sibling “communication guerrilla” — refers to unconventional forms of communication and/or intervention in more conventional processes of communication. Context hacking is a specific style of political action drawing from a watchful view of the paradoxes and absurdities of power, turning these into the starting point for interventions … Read more

Context Hacking: Some Examples of How to Mess with Art, the Media System, Law and the Market @ Shenkar Design School

The term “context hacking” –like its older mimetic sibling “communication guerrilla” — refers to unconventional forms of communication and/or intervention in more conventional processes of communication. Context hacking is a specific style of political action drawing from a watchful view of the paradoxes and absurdities of power, turning these into the starting point for interventions … Read more

Arse Elektronika: Sex, Tech and the Future of Screw-It-Yourself @ Ha-Midrasha, Tel Aviv

Eine Vortragsperformance von Johannes Grenzfurthner / monochrom. We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. From the depiction of a vulva in a cave painting to the newest internet porno, technology and sexuality have always been closely linked. New technologies are quick to appeal to pornography consumers, and thus these customers … Read more

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