Neural Magazine bespricht monochroms “Context Hacking”-Buch

Neural Magazine veröffentlicht eine Rezension unseres “Context Hacking”-Buch. Fein ist das! In 1993 Johannes Grenzfurthner posted on Fidonet about his intention to start a fanzine on politics, network and pop culture, and Franz Ablinger answered almost immediately. That was how the Viennese “monochrom” collective started. This thick hardcover publication seems to be the perfect container … Read more

Neural Magazine reviews monochrom’s “Context Hacking”

Neural Magazine reviewed our “Context Hacking” book. Nice! In 1993 Johannes Grenzfurthner posted on Fidonet about his intention to start a fanzine on politics, network and pop culture, and Franz Ablinger answered almost immediately. That was how the Viennese “monochrom” collective started. This thick hardcover publication seems to be the perfect container for twenty years … Read more

monochrom @ Blue Bird Panel: “Crowdfunding: The better way of financing music?”

With Amanda Palmer, Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom), Ingrid Brodnig (Falter), Markus Keuschnigg (Slash Filmfestival) and Heinz Wolf (departure, M185). Kickstarter and other crowd funding platforms have opened new avenues for artists and entrepreneurs to realize their visions. Even though a story of success for many, does crowd funding really work for everyone? What are the problems … Read more

monochrom @ Blue Bird Panel: “Crowdfunding: The better way of financing music?”

Mit Amanda Palmer, Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom), Ingrid Brodnig (Falter), Markus Keuschnigg (Slash Filmfestival) und Heinz Wolf (departure, M185). Der Erfolg von Kickstarter und anderen Crowdfunding-Plattformen hat neue Wege für KünstleInnen und UnternehmerInnen eröffnet, um ihre Visionen zu verwirklichen. Die direkte Kommunikation mit den Fans bzw. Financiers, ohne die bisher notwendigen Mittelsmänner, schien die Lösung für … Read more

monochrom @ FSCONS Gothenburg: “Subverting Subversion: Or How We Can Fight Ourselves”

The ultimate horror is not the end of civilization, but its endless decline. But how can we get the message out if nobody wants to listen? We at monochrom call our working method »Context Hacking,« thus referencing the hacker culture, which propagates a creative and emancipatory approach to the technologies of the digital age, and … Read more

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